====== Atom IDE ====== [[https://atom.io|download]] and install ===== update ===== /usr/local/bin/atom-update #!/bin/bash wget -q https://github.com/atom/atom/releases/latest -O /tmp/latest MATCHEDROW=$(awk -F '[<>]' '/href=".*atom-amd64.deb/' /tmp/latest) LATEST=$(echo $MATCHEDROW | grep -o -P '(?<=href=").*(?=" rel)') VER_LATEST=$(echo $MATCHEDROW | rev | cut -d"/" -f 2 | rev | sed 's/v//g') VER_INST=$(dpkg -l atom | tail -n1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d" " -f 3) if [ "$VER_LATEST" != "$VER_INST" ]; then wget --progress=bar -q "https://github.com/$LATEST" -O /tmp/atom-amd64.deb --show-progress dpkg -i /tmp/atom-amd64.deb echo "Atom has been update from $VER_LATEST to $VER_INST" logger -t atom-update "Atom has been update from $VER_LATEST to $VER_INST" else echo "Atom version $VER_INST is the latest version, no update require" logger -t atom-update "Atom version $VER_INST is the latest version, no update require" fi ===== general ===== pip install python-language-server apm install \ atom-ide-ui \ ide-python \ ide-typescript \ seti-syntax \ seti-ui \ minimap \ highlight-selected \ minimap-highlight-selected \ atom-save-all \ * [[https://github.com/facebook-atom/atom-ide-ui/blob/master/docs/keybindings.md|keybindings]] old apm install project-manager \ minimap \ highlight-selected \ minimap-highlight-selected \ atom-save-all \ atom-typescript \ AutoComplete \ seti-syntax \ seti-ui \ pigments \ emmet \ autoclose-html \ not verified atom-beautify \ atom-overtype-mode \ file-icons \ color-picker \ navigation-history \ atom-save-all \ symbols-tree-view \ merge-conflicts \ todo-show \ auto-detect-indentation \ jumpy \ autocomplete-python \ show installed packages apm list --installed --bare disabilitare package metrics che manda le statistiche a google $HOME/.atom/config.cson "*": "atom-beautify": analytics: false python_max_line_length: 120 "autocomplete-python": pythonPaths: "/lab/$PROJECT_NAME/lib/bin/python" core: disabledPackages: [ "linter-pep8" "python-tools" "seti-icons" "symbol-gen" "metrics" ] themes: [ "atom-dark-ui" "base16-tomorrow-dark-theme" ] editor: invisibles: {} preferredLineLength: 120 showIndentGuide: true tabLength: 4 welcome: showOnStartup: false ".console.python.text": editor: preferredLineLength: 120 ".python.regexp.source": editor: preferredLineLength: 120 ".python.source": editor: preferredLineLength: 120 ".python.text.traceback": editor: preferredLineLength: 120 $HOME/.atom/keymap.cson 'body': 'ctrl-shift-S': 'core:save-all' 'atom-workspace': 'ctrl-alt-u': 'autocomplete-python:show-usages' 'ctrl-tab': 'tab-switcher:next' 'ctrl-shift-tab': 'tab-switcher:previous' ===== keyboard ===== [[https://github.com/pd-gmit/atom-cheatsheet/blob/master/atom_cheatsheet.md|cheatsheet]] * ctrl-shift-p: command palette * ctrl-,: settings * ctrl-alt-o: toggle tree objects * ctrl-\: toggle tree view * ctrl-b: list opened files * ctrl-alt-b: beautify selected code * ctrl-alt-g: find declaration * ctrl-alt-u: find usage * ctrl-o: history jump back * ctrl-i: history jump forward * ctrl-shift-F2: take boomarks * F2: jump to next bookmarks * shift-F2: jump to previous bookmarks * shit-enter: jumpy mode * ctrl-click: multi cursor * ctrl k → split new editor * Ctrl k Ctrl ← focus pane on left * Ctrl k Ctrl ↓ focus on pane below * Ctrl k Ctrl n move focus to next pane * Ctrl k Ctrl p move focus to previous pane * Ctrl k Ctrl → move focus to pane on right * Ctrl k Ctrl ↑ move focus to pane above * Ctrl Shift l toggle dev tools ===== python ===== Install some packages as user sudo pip install pep8 apm install linter-pep8 apm install autocomplete-python ===== web (html,css,javascript,typescript,...) ===== apm install atom-typescript apm install linter-xmllint apm install linter-tslint apm install pigments apm install cursor-history