====== Blender 2.9 ====== ====== shortcuts ====== * SHIFT z: switch wireframe and object mode * f: fill faces or edges between edges or vertex * a: select all * ALT+a: select nothing * c: circle select * b: box select * SHIFT+b: zoom to box * SHIFT+s: cursor move or selection move * w: cycle between selecion modes * ====== numpad emulation ====== * edit -> preferences -> input -> emulate numpa * enable 1,2,3 switch faces,edges,vertex: edit -> preferences -> keymap -> search mode * select mode toggle: ALT+1 * select mode toggle: ALT+2 * select mode toggle: ALT+3 ===== fix boolean operations ===== Sometimes boolean difference fails. Before try on each object: * edit mode * select all vertices A * vertex (top menu) -> Merge Vertices -> by distance (this operation remove duplicate vertices) ===== hide / show ===== * select (multiple) object and SHIFT+H to hide others * recall others with ALT+H ===== edit mode ===== TAB key * activate Vertex select with 1, Edge select with 2 and Face select with 3 Create new object from selected vertex: * duplicate with SHIFT+d * ESC to exit from grab mode * parent selected with "p" * exit from edit mode with TAB and you will have two objects CTRL+l: select touching vertex, edges, faces Recalculate normals (to solve bevel problems): select all with “a” and hit “shift+n” knife mode K: * c for angle constrain * z for cut all deeper edges put vertex same X, Y or Z: * position the 3d cursor at the Y location * set the pivot point to the 3d cursor (. period key) * then scale by zero on the Y axis (S Y 0) ===== blendercam ===== Vevor 3018pro [[https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B086KVMKS4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1|amazon]] cd /lab/blender git clone https://github.com/vilemnovak/blendercam.git setup blender scripts alternate file path {{:tips:paths.png?400|}} save preferences restart blender and enable blendercam add-on {{:tips:blendercam.png?400|}} select CAM render engine in scene tab {{:tips:scene.png?400|}} CAM machine -> add preset '3018pro' with 'iso' post processing {{:tips:machine.png?400|}} CAM operations -> add one operation and select target object {{:tips:operations.png?400|}} CAM material size and position -> put object into job area with position button {{:tips:position.png?400|}} CAM cutter {{:tips:tool.png?400|}} {{:tips:cutter.png?400|}} CAM operation setup -> strategy parallel and **skin** {{:tips:skin.png?400|}}