====== Fluid ====== * Create a cube and set it to physics -> fluid -> domain * Create an object inside cube and set it to physics -> fluid -> fluid * On domain click to physics -> bake button /lab/blender/fluid bake.py import bpy import sys from bpy.app.handlers import persistent #@persistent def do_bake(): for scene in bpy.data.scenes: for object in scene.objects: for modifier in object.modifiers: if modifier.type == 'FLUID_SIMULATION': if modifier.settings.type == 'DOMAIN': bpy.ops.fluid.bake({'scene': scene, 'active_object': object}) break #@persistent def do_render_opengl(): bpy.ops.render.opengl(animation=True, view_context=False) bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() print("BAKE") do_bake() print("RENDER") do_render_opengl() rm -fR /tmp/cache_fluid* blender fluid.blend --background --python bake.py Now in /tmp there are *png photograms