====== Cordova ====== ===== Install ===== Install nodejs and npm sudo apt-get install nodejs npm Install cordova sudo npm install -g cordova cordova need node and ubuntu install nodejs sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node install cordova-browser from git to have linux support sudo npm install -g git://git.apache.org/cordova-browser.git ===== Update ===== sudo npm update -g ===== Install Android SDK ===== Create /etc/etc/profile.d/android.sh or add in .bash_profile export ANDROID_HOME=/lab/android-sdk-linux/ export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools ===== Project ===== ==== Create project ==== cordova create /lab/peper-memory org.csgalileo.peper.memory PeperMemory Add android support cd /lab/peper-memory cordova platform list cordova platforms add android cordova platforms add browser # temporary patch # cp /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova-browser/bin/templates/project/cordova/run ./platforms/browser/cordova/run Add to platforms/browser/cordova/run case 'linux': spawn('chromium-browser', ['--test-type', '--disable-web-security', '--user-data-dir=/tmp/temp_chrome_user_data_dir_for_cordova_browser', project]); break; ==== Crosswalk ==== Optionally it is possible to use crosswalk instead of android webview Add android platform to project cordova platforms add android Download [https://crosswalk-project.org/documentation/downloads.html|crosswalk] CROSSWALK=/lab/crosswalk/crosswalk-cordova- rm -fR platforms/android/CordovaLib/* cp -a ${CROSSWALK}/framework/* platforms/android/CordovaLib/ cp -a ${CROSSWALK}/VERSION platforms/android/ Add to platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml Build both the CordovaLib and xwalk_core_library cd platforms/android/CordovaLib/ android update project --subprojects --path . --target "android-19" ant clean debug cd .. # platforms/android/ rm -Rf ant-gen rm -Rf ant-build cd ../.. cordova build android ==== Manage project ==== View project detail cordova info Add plugins cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.console # cordova plugin add https://github.com/donaldp24/CanvasCameraPlugin.git && cordova prepare Search plugins cordova plugin search Update corbova inside project cordova platform update android ==== Test project ==== cordova emulate browser ==== Release ==== cordova build --release android [http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html sign and align] ===== Video autoplay ===== Con ionic-crosswalk i video partono da soli con il set di src via javascript if (! $('#video1')[0].src) { $('#video1')[0].src = "http://..."; } $("#video1")[0].currentTime = 0; // rewind $("#video1")[0].play(); ==== Cordova ==== CordovaApp.java super.init(); super.appView.getSettings().setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(false); ==== Cordova Crosswalk ==== ... super.init(); getSettings(super.appView).setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(false); ... /* rende plubblica la API mascherata dalle nuove release di crosswalk */ private XWalkSettings getSettings(XWalkView webView) { try { Method ___getBridge = XWalkView.class.getDeclaredMethod("getBridge"); ___getBridge.setAccessible(true); XWalkViewBridge xWalkViewBridge = null; xWalkViewBridge = (XWalkViewBridge)___getBridge.invoke(webView); XWalkSettings xWalkSettings = xWalkViewBridge.getSettings(); return xWalkSettings; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } Posizionare un set di src dopo il device ready $('#video1')[0].src = ""; ===== GPIO ===== jni contain NDK project ├── Android.mk ├── gpio.c ├── gpio.h └── jni_gpio.c Rebuild this project running '''ndk-build into jni folde'''r Android.mk LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := gpio_test LOCAL_SRC_FILES := gpio.c LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DEXEC include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := libgpio LOCAL_SRC_FILES := gpio.c jni_gpio.c LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) gpio.c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpio.h" #define LOG_TAG "GPIO" #ifndef EXEC #include #define LOGD(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__) #else #define LOGD(...) printf(">==< %s >==< ",LOG_TAG),printf(__VA_ARGS__),printf("\n") #endif void on_new_value(int val); int read_gpio(char *path, void (*callback)(int)); int main(int argc, char **argv){ LOGD("Hello!\n"); #ifdef HOST return 0; #endif if(argc == 2) return read_gpio(argv[1], on_new_value); else LOGD("missing argument path"); return -1; } int read_gpio(char *path, void (*callback)(int)){ int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); char buf[11]; int res = 0; if(fd == -1){ perror("error opening file"); return -1; } struct pollfd gpio_poll_fd = { .fd = fd, .events = POLLPRI, .revents = 0 }; for(;;){ res = poll(&gpio_poll_fd,1,-1); if(res == -1){ perror("error polling"); break; } if((gpio_poll_fd.revents & POLLPRI) == POLLPRI){ LOGD("POLLPRI"); int off = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); if(off == -1) break; memset(&buf[0], 0, 11); size_t num = read(fd, &buf[0], 10*sizeof(char)); callback(atoi(buf)); } if((gpio_poll_fd.revents & POLLERR) == POLLERR){ //seems always to be true .. //LOGD("POLLERR"); } } return 0; } void on_new_value(int val){ LOGD("interrupt received, val: %d", val); } gpio.h #ifndef _GPIO_H_ #define _GPIO_H_ int read_gpio(char *path, void (*callback)(int)); #endif jni_gpio.c #include #include /* Header for class nativehelper_NativeGpio */ #include "gpio.h" #define LOG_TAG "GPIO" #ifndef HOST #include #define LOGD(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__) #else #define LOGD(...) printf(">==< %s >==< ",LOG_TAG),printf(__VA_ARGS__),printf("\n") #endif #ifndef _Included_nativehelper_NativeGpio #define _Included_nativehelper_NativeGpio #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif static void on_new_value(int val); static jmethodID cb_method_id; static jclass cb_class; static jobject cb_object; static JNIEnv *cb_save_env; /* * Class: csgalileo_NativeGpio * Method: readGpio * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Lcsgalileo/NativeGpio/GpioInterruptCallback;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_csgalileo_NativeGpio_readGpio (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jstring path, jobject callback){ cb_class = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, callback); if(cb_class == NULL){ LOGD("callback interface not found"); return; } cb_method_id = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cb_class, "onNewValue", "(I)V"); if(cb_method_id == NULL){ LOGD("could not find callback method"); return; } cb_object = callback; cb_save_env = env; const char *fname = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, NULL); LOGD("path is %s", fname); read_gpio((char *)fname, on_new_value); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, path, fname); } static void on_new_value(int val){ LOGD("on_new_value interrupt received, val: %d", val); (*cb_save_env)->CallVoidMethod(cb_save_env, cb_object, cb_method_id, (jint)val); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif