====== GNSS ====== * [[https://github.com/goblimey/ntripcaster|wonderful introduction on GNSS]] * [[http://www.epncb.oma.be/_networkdata/data_access/real_time/map.php|stations]] that broadcast real time RTCM (protocol) Radio Technical Commission for Maritime * [[https://gpsd.io/ubxtool-examples.html|ubxtool examples]] * NEO-M9N * ZED-F9P ===== 2022 ===== Use gpsd as [[http://trac.gateworks.com/wiki/expansion/gw16143|ntrip client]] on ublox device pygnssutils Configure ublox as [[https://github.com/semuconsulting/PyGPSClient/blob/master/examples/f9p_basestation.py|base station]] and run an rtrip server with [[https://github.com/semuconsulting/PyGPSClient#socketserver|PyGPSClient]] ===== 2020 ===== ==== ntrip caster ==== * https://gitlab.com/ihfazhillah/simple-ntrip-caster/-/tree/master * https://gitlab.com/hydrasystem/ntripcaster.git sourcetable.dat CAS;rtcm-ntrip.org;2101;NtripInfoCaster;BKG;0;DEU;50.12;8.69;http://www.rtcm-ntrip.org/home STR;castagne;Verona;RTCM3;none;1;none;TEST;ITA;45.4935250;11.1068889;421;0;receiver5;none;B;N;3600;none test caster, must return source table curl ==== ntrip base station ==== configure ublox in NMEA systemctl stop gpsd systemctl stop gpsd.socket DEVICE=/dev/gps0 ubxtool -f $DEVICE -p RESET ubxtool -f $DEVICE -e NMEA ubxtool -f $DEVICE -d BINARY ubxtool -f $DEVICE -p SAVE ntrip source str2str -in 'serial://ttyACM0:115200#stq' -out 'ntrips://:mev@localhost:2101/castagne#rtcm2' -p 45.4935250 011.1068889 421 -msg "1004,1006,1019,1033,1012,1030" GPS gpsd -N -n -D3 /dev/gps0 # no -b option # with DGPS gpsd -N -n -D3 /dev/gps0 ntrip://NTRIP.itsware.net:2101/AB50_RTCM3 psd -N -n -D1 /dev/gps0 ntrip://rtk2go.com:2101/MEV0 ubxtool -p MON-VER UBX-MON-VER: swVersion EXT CORE 1.00 (61b2dd) hwVersion 00190000 extension ROM BASE 0x118B2060 extension FWVER=HPG 1.12 extension PROTVER=27.11 extension MOD=ZED-F9P extension GPS;GLO;GAL;BDS extension QZSS export UBXOPTS="-P 27.11 -v 2" ubxtool -p RESET ubxtool -e BINARY ubxtool -e NMEA get current dynamic mode ubxtool -p CFG-NAV5 ... dynModel (Portable) ... # or ubxtool -p CFG-NAV5 | grep dynModel switch model to automotive ubxtool -p MODEL,4 ubxtool -p SAVE ===== udev ===== #SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", DRIVERS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1546", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01a9", SYMLINK+="gps0", MODE="0666" ATTRS{idVendor}=="1546", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01a9", SYMLINK+="gps%n", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="gpsdctl@%k.service" START_DAEMON="false" # binary mode for ublox GPSD_OPTIONS="-b" DEVICES="" USBAUTO="true" ===== test ===== * https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/ppp-howto.html gpsd -b -N /dev/ttyACM0 gpspipe -r | nc -l 29999 yay -S qt5-location qml import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtPositioning 5.5 import QtLocation 5.6 Window { id:page width: 1024 height: 1024 visible: true Map { id:myMap anchors.fill: parent plugin: mapPlugin zoomLevel: 23 property MapCircle circle function update(pos) { removeMapItem(circle); circle = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; MapCircle {}', page); circle.radius = 2; circle.color = "transparent"; circle.border.color = "red" circle.border.width = 3; myMap.addMapItem(circle); circle.center = pos.coordinate; myMap.center = pos.coordinate; //console.log("Coordinates: ", pos.coordinate.latitude, pos.coordinate.longitude); } } Plugin { id: mapPlugin name: "osm" } PositionSource { id: gpsPos updateInterval: 500 active: true nmeaSource: "socket://localhost:29999" onPositionChanged: { myMap.update(position); } } }