Dezimal 2255 ist 8CF Hex

Dezimal 1800 ist 708 Hex. 0200 0 807, etwas trickreich

So, in short, whilst the 02002003 gives you an 800mm rolling radius, you can have a smaller effect by using 02000807 to replicate an 1800mm rolling radius, or to go back to a 2255mm (which I think is a 2.6 to 3.0 width on a 27.5” rim) you’d need to use 0200CF08

Download LIGHTBLUE app (iOS, free) lightblue-bluetooth-lowenergy/ id557428110?mt=8 Connect to bike (SPECIALIZED) use proximity bar to find your bike if multiple are detected. Scroll down to UUID: 0000000002-000 Line below should be: 000..0012-….. [proteries write) Klick on it Klick on write new Enter “02002003” Klick on 0x02002003 again Restart bike, close app. Done! Wheel circumference is now 800mm so max speed should be around 77km/h which the motor will never achieve Note: All speed values broadcasted via BLE (app!) will show values that are approx. 1/3 of the real value. Due to the wrong circumference. 0200cf08

02002003 ⇔ 700 mm 0200B004 ⇔ 1200 mm 0200DC05 ⇔ 1500 mm 02000807 ⇔ 1800 mm