Table of Contents

Blender 2.9


numpad emulation

fix boolean operations

Sometimes boolean difference fails. Before try on each object:

hide / show

edit mode

TAB key

Create new object from selected vertex:

CTRL+l: select touching vertex, edges, faces

Recalculate normals (to solve bevel problems): select all with “a” and hit “shift+n”

knife mode K:

put vertex same X, Y or Z:


Vevor 3018pro amazon

cd /lab/blender
git clone

setup blender scripts alternate file path

save preferences restart blender and enable blendercam add-on

select CAM render engine in scene tab

CAM machine → add preset '3018pro' with 'iso' post processing

CAM operations → add one operation and select target object

CAM material size and position → put object into job area with position button

CAM cutter

CAM operation setup → strategy parallel and skin