Table of Contents


credentials and config

login blabla
password blabla
    name = Stefano Scipioni
    email = blabla
    autocrlf = input
    #safecrlf = true
    editor = vim
    sslverify = false
    co = checkout
    ci = commit
    st = status
    br = branch
    hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short
    type = cat-file -t
    dump = cat-file -p
    default = simple
    ui = auto

New repo

mkdir $NAME
cd $NAME
git init --bare
mv hooks/post-update* hooks/post-update
chmod +x hooks/post-update
git update-server-info

change origin

git remote -v
git remote set-url origin

check origin

git remote show origin

if prune needed (on server restart apache if dav is used)

git remote prune origin
git push --set-upstream origin master

create branch with current changes

git checkout -b newBranch


git tag -a v1.1 -m "versione 1.1"
git push origin v1.1

new remote branch


create locally

git branch [name_of_your_new_branch]
git checkout [name_of_your_new_branch]

create or update remotly

git push --set-upstream origin [name_of_branch]

view remote branches

git fetch -v

fetch remote branches

git checkout -b [branch] origin/[branch]

delete remote branch

git push origin --delete [branch]
# and locally
git branch -d [branch]

rename branch (local and remote)

git branch -m new-name

# Delete the old-name remote branch and push the new-name local branch.
git push origin :old-name new-name

# Reset the upstream branch for the new-name local branch.
git push origin -u new-name

Preserve specific files while merging

start by defining a merge driver that would always favor our current version of the file

git config --global merge.ours.driver true

into repo mark examplefile.json to use that driver instead of the standard one:

echo 'examplefile.json merge=ours' >> .gitattributes

integrate changes from one branch into another branch


from feature branch to master

git checkout feature
git merge master

or rebasing

git checkout feature
git rebase -i master
# if remote feature is present force push on origin
git push --force origin feature

rebase remote branch (or original fork) with local branch

add forked repo if none (git remote -v)

git remote add upstream

rebase remote on master

git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
git push

merge specific commit from branch to another

git co <branch-target>
git cherry-pick <commit>

Home Assistant

git clone
cd home-assistant
git remote add upstream
git pull upstream dev

apache git

apt install apache2
a2enmod dav_lock dav dav_fs macro
systemctl restart apache2


cd <submodule>
git checkout master
git branch -u origin/master master
cd <parent>
git config -f .gitmodules submodule.<submodule>.branch master