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- influxdb
- t apt update apt install influxdb </code> enable admin service in /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf and <code>... a-server </code> Login to http://localhost:3000 (admin/admin) add datasource {{ :projects:internetofthings:datasource.png |}} ===== plugins ===== Add plugi
- shinobi
- t http://ip:8080/super and create user * user: * pass: admin ===== Add Camera ===== Add monitor using ONVIF After set: * stream ty
- graphite
- enance page. alias /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media; } } </file>
- iotaiuto
- code bash> # 1. prima di procedere, entrare come ADMIN nel ROUTER e assegnare l IP STATICO
- iotaiuto_skill
- ervice and Lambda -> Next: permissions -> DatabaseAdministrator -> role name=lambda_iotaiuto * open ser