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- lxd
- lias xenial exit 0 fi if [ ! -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf ]; then sudo apt install apt-cacher-ng PROXY=$( lxc network show lxdbr0 | sed -n... \"http://$PROXY:3142\";" | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf echo "PfilePattern = .*" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf echo "PassTh
- agid
- tion e laptop di vari tipi e per diversi usi. Non consentire l'installazione di software non compreso n... nza di software non autorizzato. **Proteggere le configurazioni di hardware e software sui dispositivi... laptop, workstation e server** • Utilizzare configurazioni sicure standard per la protezione dei ... istemi operativi. • Definire ed impiegare una configurazione standard per workstation, server e alt
- zabbix
- bbix ====== ===== task ===== * <del>dashboard con conteggi aggregati (e altri grafici interessanti)</del> * <del>trigger di allarme: * luce accesa da troppo tempo</del> * <del>export dati csv con API</del> * <del>gestire utente non privilegiat... onente zabbix di hass * /etc/openvpn/iotaiuto.conf ? * come far ripartire la connessione zabbix
- minikube
- min on minikube ==== **Deploy Postgres** Create configuration file (.yaml) <code yaml postgres-configuration.yaml> apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: postgres-config labels: app: postgres data: POSTGRES_DB: postgresdb
- galileo @tips:vpn
- lileo ====== VPN PPTP/L2TP: * indirizzo server concentratore: * username e pass... nual ====== <file ini /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/galileo.nmconnection> [connection] id=galileo uuid=97852b85-b57b-4b38-9687-d919f2820e57 type=v... ile> <code> chmod 600 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/galileo.nmconnection </code> change:
- jibri
- VER_MAJOR_RELEASE=96 </code> create empty file ${CONFIG}/conf/jibri/ build image <code> docker build -t "galileo/jibri:stable-6726-1" . </code>... n jitsi meet server ===== <file ini /etc/prosody/conf.d/jibri.cfg.lua> -- internal muc component, mean... a è nattata aggiungere le seguenti proprietà alla configurazione del videobridge: <code> vim /etc/jits
- k0s
- s-ctrl:~$ sudo k0s install </code> === Bootstrap controller === Bootstrap del nodo controller (non single mode) <code> ubuntu@k0s-ctrl:~$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/k0s ubuntu@k0s-ctrl:~$ k0s config create | sudo tee /etc/k0s/k0s.yaml ubuntu@k0s-ctrl:~$ sudo k0s install controller -c /etc/k0s/k0s.yaml ubuntu@k0s-ctrl:~$ su
- postgres @tips:db
- ====== Postgres ====== ===== Install ===== container xenial 16.04 (optional) <code> lxc image copy im... resql </code> eventually open network for remote connections <file ini /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf> listen_addresses = '*' </file> ===== Basic operations ===== <code> # list databases \l # connect to database \c giano # list schema \dn # li
- juju
- p testcloud manual/ --upload-tools \ --config default-series=xenial \ --config apt-http-proxy="" \ --config agent-stream=devel # Controllare con juju model-config default-series # ed eventualmente corregg
- ssl
- nssl s_client -showcerts -servername "$API_HOST" -connect "$API_HOST":443 > cacert.pem curl --cacert ca... r on port 80 for initial challenge <file txt site.conf> server { listen 80; server_name "m... ervice apache2 reload" </code> <file yaml apache.conf> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName projects.csga... icate integration for nginx ==== <file yaml site.conf> server { listen 443 ssl; server_name "scip
- tmux
- a:2 tmux -2 attach-session -t wega </code> ===== conf ===== <file txt ~/.tmux.conf> # set-option -g status-bg colour235 #base02 set-op... ey repetition set -s escape-time 0 # Rather than constraining window size to the maximum size of any c
- linux @tips:radxa
- _pro_linux_hdmi_defconfig in $KERNEL_SRC/arch/arm/configs/ * make kernel-config - configure the linux kernel" * make uboot - compile uboot" * make kernel - compile kernel" ... -O arch/arm/configs/rockchip_defconfig wget
- openvpn @tips:vpn
- get install openvpn </code> /etc/openvpn/client1.conf <code> dev tun proto tcp-client remote legnago.... # More reliable detection when a system loses its connection. ping 15 ping-restart 45 ping-timer-rem pe... Linux server ===== <file txt /etc/openvpn/server.conf> proto tcp dev tun ca /etc/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt... alive 10 120 cipher BF-CBC max-clients 100 client-config-dir ccd # It's a good idea to reduce the Open
- airmouse
- / * Chip con supporto nativo di: - circuitpython - usb HID - bluetooth HID - pin analogici con resistenze pullup/pulldown Esempio: nrf52 * Connettore USB type-C * Giroscopio mpy6050 attaccato ... ot/reset per debug? * Switch on/off * Led rgb con controllore neopixel * Connettore con 4 pin (ja
- idrac
- === idrac ====== ===== java 1.7 ===== * idrac console viewer works only with java 1.7 due to securi... ge/ ==== Installare racadm ==== Ho provato in un container ma non ha accesso al sottosistema e quindi ... le non servono user e password. Per scaricare la configurazione Idrac di una macchina da remoto (in lo... USER} -p ${DRAC_PASSWORD} getconfig -f node4_drac_config.txt </code> Per caricare la configurazione (