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- zfs-on-root @tips:ubuntu
- itramfs </code> ===== Disk ===== Reset disk and create GPT partition schema <code> DISK=/dev/disk/by-id/... K sgdisk -n1:0:0 -t1:BF01 $DISK </code> Create pool or ... <code bash> zpool create -o ashift=12 \ -O atime=off -O canmount=off -O compression=lz4... ubfolders zfs mount rpool/ROOT/ubuntu </code> or create raidz pool <code bash> zpool create -O atime=off
- zfs @tips
- tils-linux </code> <code> sudo zfs list </code> create filesystem '''lab''' on '''LXD''' pool <code> sudo zfs create LXD/lab sudo zfs set mountpoint=/lab LXD/lab </co... > <code> sudo zfs destroy LXD/lab </code> ===== create pool ===== Pool can be created on disk or partit... 9 8.0 MiB BF07 # ??? </code> <code> zpool create lxd /dev/sda4 </code> ===== docker ===== <code>
- iredmail @tips
- ocker-compose install * zfs install on docker create volumes <code> docker volume create iredmail_backup # Backup copies docker volume create iredmail_mailboxes # All users' mailboxes docker volume create iredmail_mlmmj # mailing list data doc
- lxd @tips
- de> apt remove lxd lxd-client snap install lxd # create zfs dataset on pool rpool zfs create rpool/lxd # create lxd storage called zfspool using previous defined dataset lxc storage create zfspool zfs source=rpool/lxd # define default st
- docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
- ===== get a docker-compose.yml file and edit it create and run in background <code> docker-compose up -d... restore/ rsync -av $SOURCE $TARGET </code> ===== create image ===== * , alpine for example <code> docker pull alpine # create a new container on alpine image docker run -dit a... code> docker tag f8 sslvpn-plus-leonardo </code> create container vpn-leonardo from image sslvpn-plus-leo
- install @tips:archlinux
- fs/master/init | bash </code> ===== ext4 ===== create partition <code> DISK=ata-SSDPR-CX400-256-G2_GY30... installation_guide ==== ZFS ==== Reset disk and create GPT partition schema <code> DISK=/dev/disk/by-id/... K sgdisk -n1:0:0 -t1:BF01 $DISK </code> Create pool or ... <code bash> zpool create -o ashift=12 \ -O atime=off -O canmount=off -O normalization=f
- iotaiuto_skill @projects:internetofthings
- com/iam/home?region=eu-west-1#security_credential|create security credential]] * Alexa developer consol... com/alexa/console/ask|amazon alexa console]]: * create skill with name, default language and smart home ... console]] * open services -> IAM * roles -> create role -> AWS service and Lambda -> Next: permissio... iuto * open services -> lambda -> [Ireland] * create function from scratch with: * function name '
- postgres @tips:db
- ianoauth; DROP USER IF EXISTS gianoauth; </code> create role gianoauth <code> CREATE USER gianoauth WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'xxx' LOGIN NOSUPERUSER INHER... TEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION; </code> ... create database and schemas ... grant operations on sch... DATABASE giano SET search_path TO auth; </code> create superuser <admin> with password <code> createuser
- mdm @projects
- ase === <code> # su - postgres $ psql postgres=# CREATE USER hmdm WITH PASSWORD 'password'; postgres=# CREATE DATABASE hmdm WITH OWNER=hmdm; postgres=# \q </code... installed PostgreSQL and created the database: # CREATE USER hmdm WITH PASSWORD 'topsecret'; # CREATE DATABASE hmdm WITH OWNER=hmdm; PostgreSQL host [localhost]
- plate @projects
- be used for the test set percentage_test = 10; # Create and/or truncate train.txt and test.txt file_train... </code> Write 001 inside Image Dir box and load Create a label for each image After that, exit and create a new directory inside Label <code> mkdir output </co... <code> python </code> Now create test.txt and train.txt with <code> pyt
- influxdb @projects:internetofthings
- nf and <code> systemctl restart influxdb </code> create database <code> root@graphite:~# influx Connected... 086 version 1.2.1 InfluxDB shell version: 1.2.1 > create database captive > CREATE USER "captive" WITH PASSWORD 'captive' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES > show databases nam... value from browser;') </code> retention <code> CREATE RETENTION POLICY "a_year" ON "test" DURATION 52w
- git @tips
- sh --set-upstream origin master </code> ===== create branch with current changes ===== <code> git che... == [[|reference]] create locally <code> git branch [name_of_your_new_branc... ] git checkout [name_of_your_new_branch] </code> create or update remotly <code> git push --set-upstream
- homeassistant @projects:internetofthings
- server_name ""; # create this folder empty location /.well-known/acme-... sistant.git git fetch -v # script/setup </code> create a branch with expected work <code bash> git branc... git fetch -v # script/setup </code> create a branch with expected work <code bash> git branc... 14:554/videoMain </code> ===== automation ===== create a virtual switch <file yaml input_boolean.yaml> m
- server @projects:livenet
- Preparazione dell'ambiente zfs ==== <code>zpool create livenet /dev/sdb</code> <code>zfs create livenet/images</code> <code>zfs create livenet/boot</code> Download package git clone </code> ===== BUILD IMAGE CLIENT ==== zfs create livenet/images/bionic debootstrap --arch amd64 bi
- borg @tips
- ====== Borg Backup ====== create new repository for backup on empty folder <code> REPO=nero mkdir -p /ru... a/scipio/backup/$TARGET borg --verbose --progress create --stats --exclude "*.old" ./::$TAG-$(date --iso-8... a/scipio/backup/$TARGET borg --verbose --progress create --stats ./::$TAG-$(date --iso-8601)-$TAG /home/sc