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iotaiuto_skill @projects:internetofthings
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': 'Stefano Scipioni', 'email': 'stefano.scipioni@csgalileo.org'} </code> ===== Cloud iotaiuto ===== Quest... ==== AWS ===== * AWS account root user: amazon@csgalileo.org * IAM user: https://049753375854.signin.aws... quella di haaska e la repository รจ:\\ https://git.csgalileo.org/iotaiuto.git\\ Per far si che ogni utente ve... on** questa riga: <code> "api_users": "https://ha.csgalileo.org/api/users" </code> Quando si arriva alla part
docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
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/hello-world # tag docker tag hello-world docker.csgalileo.org/hello-world </code> create credentials in ~/.docker/config.json <code> docker login docker.csgalileo.org </code> push <code> docker push docker.csgalileo.org/hello-world </code> get remote info with aur/reg arch program <code> reg ls docker.csgalileo.org reg digest docker.csgalileo.org/charta/httpre
homeassistant @projects:internetofthings
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server { listen 80; server_name "scipio.csgalileo.org"; # create this folder empty locati... server { listen 443 ssl; server_name "scipio.csgalileo.org"; ssl on; proxy_buffering off; locati... st; } ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/scipio.csgalileo.org.cer; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/scipio.csgalileo.org.key; } </file> ===== MQTT ===== <code> apt
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zzare correttamente la pagina https://onlyoffice.csgalileo.org/welcome/ oppure ottenere ''true'' da https://onlyoffice.csgalileo.org/healthcheck Supposti i nomi dei container: ... Indirizzo di ONLYOFFICE Docs: https://onlyoffice.csgalileo.org * Indirizzo di ONLYOFFICE Docs per le richi
googlehome @projects:internetofthings
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er the build section. Add in your url: https://ha.csgalileo.org/ha-albertofiocco/api/google_assistant * C... _assistant.yaml - Authorization URL: https://ha.csgalileo.org/ha-albertofiocco/api/google_assistant/auth?ap
liberidicomunicare @projects:iotaiuto
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openedx ====== * [[https://liberidicomunicare.csgalileo.org/|liberi di comunicare]] * user: stefano.scipioni@csgalileo.org * pass: e.... * ssh ubuntu@
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<Parameter name="mqtt.server.uri" value="mdm.csgalileo.org:31000"/> </code> ==== Troubleshooting ====
influxdb @projects:internetofthings
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rt InfluxDBClient client = InfluxDBClient('carbon.csgalileo.org', 8086, username='captive', password='captive
iotaiuto @projects:internetofthings
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f <code> dev tun proto tcp-client remote legnago.csgalileo.org 1194 ca /etc/easy-rsa-legnago/keys/ca.crt