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and use with curl <code | download> API_HOST=sso.csgalileo.org echo quit | openssl s_client -showcerts -serv... > cacert.pem curl --cacert cacert.pem https://sso.csgalileo.org/ </code> in browser import this [[https://le... ferred-challenges=dns \ --email stefano.scipioni@csgalileo.org \ --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.... le> server { listen 80; server_name nextcloud.csgalileo.org; server_tokens off; location /.well-know
8 Hits, Last modified:
= LDAP ====== users.ldif <code> dn: ou=people,dc=csgalileo,dc=org objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: People dn: ou=groups,dc=csgalileo,dc=org objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: Groups dn: cn=users,ou=Groups,dc=csgalileo,dc=org cn: users gidNumber: 5159 objectclass: top... bjectclass: posixGroup dn: uid=igor,ou=People,dc=csgalileo,dc=org cn: Igor Rossetti givenName: Igor sn: Ross
checkin @tips:galileo
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tips:hw:hp]] ====== mail ====== * nome.cognome@csgalileo.org * [[https://mail.csgalileo.org/|webmail]] * [[https://mail.csgalileo.org/mail/?_task=settings&_action=plugin.password|cambio password... rta 995 ====== nextcloud ====== * nome.cognome@csgalileo.org * https://nextcloud.csgalileo.org ======
galileo @tips:vpn
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TP/L2TP: * indirizzo server concentratore: vpn1.csgalileo.org * username e password <code> yay -S networ... anager GUI: * type: openvpn * gateway: **vpn1.csgalileo.org** * user: <user> * pass: <pass> * CA ce... conf> client dev tun proto tcp-client remote vpn1.csgalileo.org port 1194 nobind persist-key persist-tun tls-... oto tcp-client remote-cert-tls server remote vpn.csgalileo.org 1194 route vpn_gateway 3 r
locale @tips:ubuntu
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sh> apt install -y curl && \ curl -s "http://wiki.csgalileo.org/tips:ubuntu:locale?do=export_code&codeblock=1... 4 [ -f /etc/tmux.conf ] || curl -s "http://wiki.csgalileo.org/tips:tmux?do=export_code&codeblock=4" > /etc/... wbmRt3FV root@storage EOF curl -s "http://wiki.csgalileo.org/tips:ubuntu:locale?do=export_code&codeblock=2... udo apt install -y curl && \ curl -s "http://wiki.csgalileo.org/tips:ubuntu:locale?do=export_code&codeblock=3
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==== <code> cordova create /lab/peper-memory org.csgalileo.peper.memory PeperMemory </code> Add android sup... t; static JNIEnv *cb_save_env; /* * Class: csgalileo_NativeGpio * Method: readGpio * Signature: (... erruptCallback;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_csgalileo_NativeGpio_readGpio (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, j
3 Hits, Last modified:
* https://apps.db.ripe.net * MNTNER name: MNT-CSGALILEO ===== prettier ===== <code bash> named-checkzone -D csgalileo.org csgalileo.org.hosts </code> ===== reverse ===== * https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/db/suppor
3 Hits, Last modified:
nic <code> ionic start MyCameraApp blank --id org.csgalileo.mycameraapp git clone --depth=1 https://github.co... C++ support ==== Add opencv support http://wiki.csgalileo.org/projects:giano:android#simpler_mode In <proj... ugin"> <param name="android-package" value="org.csgalileo.giano.TestPlugin"></param> <param name="onload"
3 Hits, Last modified:
jibri and jigasi clients Component "internal.auth.csgalileo.org" "muc" modules_enabled = { "ping"; ... muc_room_cache_size = 1000 VirtualHost "jibri.csgalileo.org" modules_enabled = { "ping"; } auth... pdate apt install -y curl && curl -s "http://wiki.csgalileo.org/tips:ubuntu:locale?do=export_code&codeblock=1
3 Hits, Last modified:
rammi realizzati vanno inviati a stefano.scipioni@csgalileo.org ====== Fase 1 - autenticazione ====== Utiliz... on per ottenere un **token**: * url: https://ha.csgalileo.org/test/login * parametri: {"username":"il pro... *JWT** con il token ottenuto: * url: https://ha.csgalileo.org/test/check * header: "Authorization: Bearer
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and config ===== <file ini ~/.netrc> machine git.csgalileo.org login blabla password blabla </file> <file i... <code bash> git remote set-url origin http://git.csgalileo.org/livenet-server.git </code> check origin <cod
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====== Jupyterhub ====== * http://jupyterlab.csgalileo.org * http://ldap-lab.csgalileo.org/phpldapadmin (le credenziali sono in ''/root/passwd_ldap_admin'') ===
2 Hits, Last modified:
p://localhost:8081 https://pypi.csgalileo.org trusted-host = localhost </code> now it is... y password> [galileo] repository = https://pypi.csgalileo.org username = galileo # not needed if keyring is
2 Hits, Last modified:
taskfile ===== <code bash> curl -sL "http://wiki.csgalileo.org/tips:taskfile?do=export_code&codeblock=1" | /... n/bash </code> <file bash> curl -sL "http://wiki.csgalileo.org/tips:taskfile?do=export_code&codeblock=2" > t
1 Hits, Last modified:
x cap init # or ... npx cap init gianomobile org.csgalileo.gianomobile </code> build www folder <code> npm
openvpn @tips:vpn
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