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action: - service: notify.alexa_media data_template: message: > {% if is... 'Stefano è partito' {% endif %} data: type: announce method: all... != '' }}" - service: script.set_beacon1 data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" - service: script.set_beacon2 data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" set
30 Hits, Last modified:
y: VPN proxy --> skill skill --> alexa == flusso dati == user --> alexa alexa -[#0000FF]-> skill: al... alexa_activation_response </uml> ===== Flusso dati ===== ogni comando che arriva da alexa si traduce in una richiesta verso la skill 'iotaiuto' (meto... in particolare event contiene aws_token (estratto dalla funzione get_aws_token) esempio di event <cod
18 Hits, Last modified:
get </file> enable service <code bash> systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable hass </code> config... -engine docker docker.io docker-ce sudo apt update sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel raspberrypi... es.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli co... -d </code> Visitare http://ip-raspberry:8091 Andare sulle settings dal menu laterale **Sezione Zwa
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-H pip install -U jetson-stats </code> check CUDA <code> cd /usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery sudo make ./deviceQuery cd /usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/1_Utilities/bandwidthTest/ sudo make... </code> <code> Device 0: "NVIDIA Tegra X1" CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version 10.0 /
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ERALI** <code bash> # LA STRUTTURA DI QUESTA GUIDA SI ARTICOLA IN: # 1. risorse HW utilizzate # 2... products/raspberry-pi-3-model-b-plus/]] ==== SCHEDA MICRO SD (ALMENO CLASSE-10) ==== [[https://www.amazon.it/SanDisk-MicroSDHC-Adattatore-Performance-Velocit%C3%A0/dp/B073K14CVB/re... 031&s=electronics&sr=1-3]] ==== PREPARAZIONE SCHEDA MICRO SD: INSTALLAZIONE O.S. "RASPBIAN LITE" ====
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e persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali n. 679/2016 (di seguito GDPR) e del p... une informazioni relative al trattamento dei Suoi dati personali in relazione all’utilizzo della skill... e dei servizi ivi forniti. ====== CATEGORIE DEI DATI TRATTATI ====== A) Dati personali raccolti attraverso strumenti automatizzati Dati di utilizzo del
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ALLARE TRADFRI CUSTOM ==== * Scaricare tradfri da https://github.com/scipioni/iotaiuto * Copiare... ponente custom ==== CONFIGURARE TRADFRI GATEWAY DA HOME ASSISTANT ==== * Togliere il coperchio de... l'integrazione tradfri e tutte le entità tradfri da home assistant * Se il gateway non ha tutti i ... airing * Avvicinare il remote a un centimentro dal gateway e tenere premuto per 10 secondi il pulsa
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luxdb ====== <code> curl -sL https://repos.influxdata.com/influxdb.key | apt-key add - source /etc/lsb-release echo "deb https://repos.influxdata.com/${DISTRIB_ID,,} ${DISTRIB_CODENAME} stable" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list apt update apt install influxdb </code> enable admin serv... <code> systemctl restart influxdb </code> create database <code> root@graphite:~# influx Connected to
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raphy / RSA-4096 algorithms * Maximum power for data transfer: 19.5 dBm@11b, 16.5 dBm@11g, 15.5 dBm@... g inputs * 3x UART * 3x SPI * 2x I2S * 2x DAC * 2x I2C * Sleep Mode Consumption: 5 μA * ... ut}} {{ :projects:internetofthings:d1_mini_esp32_datenblatt_az-delivery_vertriebs_gmbh.pdf |datasheet}} ===== TTGO ESP32 ===== builtin led pin 22 ESP32
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0 ====== ===== luftaden ===== * [[https://luftdaten.info|home luftaden]] * [[https://deutschland.maps.luftdaten.info/#6/51.165/10.455|mappa]] * [[https://luftdaten.info/2018/04/25/integration-sensoren-fuer-laer... 2/|rumore e biossido di azoto]] * [[https://luftdaten.info/feinstaubsensor-bauen/|kit PM10 con istru
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epository -y ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-3 -y sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install ffmpeg libav-tools x264 ... ic ffmpeg npm install ffmpeg-static </code> Fill database <code> mysql < sql/database.sql mysql < sql/user.sql mysql ccio < sql/framework.sql # mysql ccio < sql/default_data.sql </code> Create configuration files <code>
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/ ESP32 GPIO27 (Pin27) -- SX1276 MOSI (Pin18) SPI Data Input #define PIN_SPI_MISO 19 // ESP32 GPIO19 (Pin19) -- SX1276 MISO (Pin17) SPI Data Output #define PIN_SPI_SCK 5 // ESP32 GPIO5 ... t-10/ [[https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1LwXPSFXXXXcdapXXq6xXFXXXE.jpg?size=136359&height=621&width=1000
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: sequence: - service: broadlink.send data: host: packet: - "sgU0ACQNJAwNJA0kJA0lDA0kDSQNJA0kDSQNJCQNJQ0lDCUMDSQNJCUMDSQNJA0lDSQlDA0AAXIAAAAA" </file> to reload deviced in haaska dea
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and scroll down until you find the sensor "Last Update Trigger". In the newest version of the HA App t... d broadcast". And thats it already! Your "Last Update Trigger" will now show one of the two broadcast
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====== epaper ====== * https://github.com/Madelena/esphome-weatherman-dashboard
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sirio @projects:internetofthings:clients
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