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- install
- T4000NM0035-1V4107_ZC10????-part1 </code> create dataset <code> zfs create -o canmount=off -o mountpo... V_NAME_PATH=1 grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda ZPOOL_VDEV_NAME_PATH=1 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/gru... uefi grub <code> # exit from chroot mount /dev/sda3 /arch/efi # /dev/sda3 is EFI partition chroot /arch bash mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/ef
- postinstall
- ===== Pamac ===== help you to install, remove, update packages with GUI <code> yay pamac-aur </code> ... sion-system-monitor-git yay gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock-git yay chrome-gnome-shell yay seahorse... remove evolution <code> sudo pacman -R evolution-data-server </code> ===== android ===== JAVA <code>
- manjaro
- ====== Manjaro ====== ===== base ===== update mirror with fastest <code> sudo pacman-mirrors --count... ry Italy </code> Upgrade and Optimize the Pacman database (Do this regularly) <code> sudo pacman-db-u
- tutorial
- e> print the list of packages that needs to be updated <code> yay -Pu </code> update package from AUR and official repositories <code> yay -Syu </code>