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d you the screen where you can set rooms for your devices or nicknames for your devices. * If you want to allow other household users to control the devices: - GO to the settings for the project you cr... g that should lead you the screen where you can set rooms for your devices or nicknames for your devices.
4 Hits, Last modified:
>> api(gateway.factory_reset())</code> Lista dei device collegati: <code> >>> api(gateway.get_devices())</code> Versione del firmware di un dispositivo: <code> >>> devices[n].device_info.firmware_version </code> Versione del firmware del gateway: <code> >>> info = api(gatewa
3 Hits, Last modified:
> broadlink </code> IR <code> ./broadlink_cli --device @broadlink --learn </code> RF <code> ./broadlink_cli --device @broadlink --rfscanlearn # convert result code ... lDCUMDSQNJCUMDSQNJA0lDSQlDA0AAXIAAAAA" </file> to reload deviced in haaska deactivate skill and enable.
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code> cd /usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery sudo make ./deviceQuery cd /usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/1_Utilities/bandwidthTest/ sudo make ./bandwidthTest </code> <code> Device 0: "NVIDIA Tegra X1" CUDA Driver Version / Runt
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# IL ROUTER ANDRA' CONFIGURATO AFFINCHE' A OGNI DEVICE SIA ASSEGNATO UN IP-ADDRESS-FISSO # NEL RANGE 19... egue quindi il seguente comando, che identifica i devices BROADLINK connessi: ./broadlink_discovery #
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<code> binary_sensor: - platform: template device_class: presence name: "scipio cell" id: b
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itto/pwfile simo </code> ~/.homeassistant/known_devices.yaml <file> </file> ===== github ===== setup <