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icedtea-7-plugin </code> Download dello script di mad-scientist (fonte: http:mad-scientist.us/junip... do chmod +x /usr/bin/msjnc </code> Installazione di Juniper Entrare una volta via webvpn e avviare il Network Connect (crea la directory nascosta nella propria home **.juniper_net... norando eventuali avvertimenti sull'installazione di librerie a 32bit. Se tutto "funziona bene" l'inte
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r <code> /ppp secret add caller-id="" comment="" disabled=no limit-bytes-in=0 \ limit-bytes-out=0 nam... file=your_profile \ enabled=yes keepalive-timeout=disabled max-mtu=1500 mode=ip netmask=29 \ port=1194... 0 120 cipher BF-CBC max-clients 100 client-config-dir ccd # It's a good idea to reduce the OpenVPN #
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] addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy dns-search= method=disabled [proxy] </file> <code> chmod 600 /etc/Ne
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edentials) For Local Police patmot or infomot are different and begin with CM then the province code a
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fn29 ProxyJump umfa </code> Oppure, al posto di google auth, si può usare keepassxc utilizzando t