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- pm10 @projects:internetofthings
- M10: [[|Nova SDS011]] [[|Fyd SDS011]] [[ MQ131: [[|aliexpress 35€]] [[ * [[|TODO]]: i2c oppure one wire ? * luminosità :
- turbolevo @projects:zibaldone:electronic
- Youtai-Semiconductor-Co-Ltd-LM2596HVS-3-3_C347444.html|LM2596HVS-3.3]] * [[ il/CAN-ICs_Texas-Instruments-SN65HVD230D_C1543812.html|SN65HVD230D]] * [[ /Bipolar-Transistors-BJT_IDCHIP-MMBT5551_C2848184.html|bjt npn]] * [[|bjt pnp]] * resistenze R1210 * condensatori C
- esp32 @projects:internetofthings
-|platformio specifications]] * ESP32 Module: ESP... = * * display: GxGDEM0213B74 * SKU: H239 2-colors... uno-WiFi-Modulo-Bluetooth-Per-D1-mini/32845357819.html|TTGO mini32 ESP32]] [[ WiFi-Bluetooth-Module-Development-Board-p-1286046.html?rmmds=search|bangood]] [[
- electronic @projects:internetofthings
- ection-Module-Moisture-Sensor-For-Arduino-p-79227.html|humidity sensor]] * [[ enna-Development-Board-For-Arduino-TTGO-p-1214812.html|lora esp32]] [[ led-Module-SSD1306-Driver-IC-DC-3_3V-5V-p-1140506.html|I2C Blue OLED LCD Display DIY Oled Module SSD1306
- termostato @projects:iotaiuto
- * [[|LILYGO TTGO T5 V2.3_2.13]]] con display GxGDEM021... ://|esphome]] * [[ * [[|esphome]] * Vcc Power supply 3.5V to 5.5V {{
- corne @projects:zibaldone:electronic
- * [[|Kailh low pr... * [[|RGB led]] * [[|sockets]]
- mev2 @projects:giano
- tps:// | store and datasheet }} * camere bianco e nero... tps:// | store and datasheet }} * camere con interfacc
- hw @projects:internetofthings
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- doorbell @projects:iotaiuto
- [[ M]] [[|Esphome camera component]] [[
- virtualization @projects:livenet
- 07/21/making-a-zvol-backed-virtualbox-vm-on-linux.html|ZFS zvol]] Discover host printer name with lps...|tip to launch windows app clicking on file]] Min
- esp32lora @projects:internetofthings
- enna-Development-Board-For-Arduino-TTGO-p-1214812.html?utm_design=41&utm_source=emarsys&utm_medium=Newor
- iotaiuto_skill @projects:internetofthings
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- liberidicomunicare @projects:iotaiuto
- figuring-and-running/en/latest/front_matter/index.html ==== Installa
- totem @projects:iotaiuto
- t&600 |}} TX e RX vanno invertiti come specificato qui:
- docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
- om/beginners/building-your-first-alpine-container.html start from a base image, alpine for example <cod