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- telegram @tips
-[BOT_API_KEY]/sendMessage?chat_id=@[MY_CHANNEL_NAME]&text=[MY_MESSAGE_TEXT] </code>... ndMessage \ -d text="this is a message" \ -d chat_id=73496590 \ | jq . </code> <code> curl -s -X POST ... a message to group * Give from curl${TOKEN}/ge...${TOKEN}/sendMessage" -d "chat_id=${CHATID}&text=my sample text" </code> To enable
- esphome @projects:internetofthings
- e_presence mac_address: E8:36:FD:20:E3:54 id: miband_presence_scipio name: "MiBand presenc... <code> - alias: cancello trigger: - entity_id: binary_sensor.miband_presence_scipio platf... : 'on' for: seconds: 2 - entity_id: binary_sensor.miband_presence_scipio platf... { ibeacon }}" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_learn state: "on"
- iotaiuto_skill @projects:internetofthings
- = user --> alexa alexa -[#0000FF]-> skill: alexa_id skill --> cloud: /api/user/alexa_id cloud --> skill: token,endpoint,user_id skill -[#0000FF]-> proxy: <endpoint> payload proxy -[#0000FF]... tro ingresso aws_token * risposta <code> {'user_id': 'amzn1.account.AGH7EXZ2ZZMPAUDFRBZQQFK7HDQQ', '
- homeassistant @projects:internetofthings
- er sudo systemctl start docker ls /dev/serial/by-id/ copiare il nome della chiavetta usb (es usb-0658... 10.36 termostato [[reference|<Product type="0201" id="0501" name="TZ10.XX Wall Thermostat" config="wen... nfig/manufacturer_specific.xml near <Manufacturer id="0118" name="Wenzhou TKB Control System"> <code> <Product type="0201" id="0501" name="TZ10.XX Wall Thermostat" config="wen
- zabbix @tips
- : \"$user\", \"password\": \"$password\" }, \"id\": 1, \"auth\": null } " $url | \ jq -r '.result... ": \"DESC\" }, \"auth\": \"$auth\", \"id\": 1 } " $url | \ jq -r '.result' # 4. logout us... hod\": \"user.logout\", \"params\": [], \"id\": 1, \"auth\": \"$auth\" } " $url ~ Scari... \"password\": \"$password\" }, \"id\": 1, # 1. set connection details url=htt
- k80 @tips
- ----------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Tem... ocess name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |================================... Co-op Kernel Launch: No Device PCI Domain ID / Bus ID / location ID: 0 / 3 / 0 Compute Mod
- googlehome @projects:internetofthings
- to the cloud console. Here you get a new project_id. * Enable HOMEGRAPH API to the new project. ... MIGRAZIONE (By this, they share the same project_id request in google_assistant.yaml) {{:projects:int... type select **OAuth** and **Implicit** - Client ID: The client_id from your google_assistant.yaml - Authorization URL:
- docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
- p -d </code> check <code> docker ps docker stop <id> </code> autostart <code> docker update --restart unless-stopped <id> </code> apply changes on containers if change d... image docker run -dit alpine sh # get container id docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 3fdbad8a
- doorbell @projects:iotaiuto
- vid=1f7b861c-5dff-4e47-b28b-74e50af365fb&algo_exp_id=1f7b861c-5dff-4e47-b28b-74e50af365fb-8&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000020840038573%22%7D|ESP32CAM]] [[htt... PIN output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 id: gpio_4 light: - platform: binary output: ... igurazione di esp32cam: <code> esp32_camera: # id per rtsp server id: cam external_clock: p
- playground @playground
- 022-05-01>numeri verbali</do> {{dolist?NAMESPACE=ID&status=(DONE|UNDONE)&limit=COUNT&md5=MD5&user=ASS... >[2.add op.execute(CreateSequence(Sequence('table_id_seq'))) in upgrade] [2.add op.execute(CreateSequence(Sequence('table_id_seq'))) in upgrade]->[3.add op.execute("drop sequence table_id_seq") in downgrade] [make auto-revision]->[alem
- cordova @tips
- _new_value(int val); static jmethodID cb_method_id; static jclass cb_class; static jobject cb_object... ot found"); return; } cb_method_id = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cb_class, "onNewValue", "(I)V"); if(cb_method_id == NULL){ LOGD("could not find callback m... >CallVoidMethod(cb_save_env, cb_object, cb_method_id, (jint)val); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif </code
- gnss @tips
- Positioning 5.5 import QtLocation 5.6 Window { id:page width: 1024 height: 1024 visible: true Map { id:myMap anchors.fill: parent plugin: mapPlu... .coordinate.longitude); } } Plugin { id: mapPlugin name: "osm" } PositionSource { id: gpsPos updateInterval: 500 active: true
- mev2 @projects:giano
- I2C adapter i2c-30 i2c i2c-2-mux (chan_id 0) I2C adapter i2c-1 i2c c24000... I2C adapter i2c-33 i2c i2c-2-mux (chan_id 3) I2C adapter i2c-4 i2c Tegra ... I2C adapter i2c-31 i2c i2c-2-mux (chan_id 1) I2C adapter i2c-2 i2c 318000... I2C adapter i2c-32 i2c i2c-2-mux (chan_id 2) I2C adapter </code> ubuntu@orin:~$
- liberidicomunicare @projects:iotaiuto
- mponente apri Staff Debug Info e copia la stringa ID alfanumerica * Torna sull'editor * Vai su Add... z XBlock * Nel campo Video Location inserisci l'ID del video * Nel campo Problem timestamp definis... i il JSON che associa il timemap (in secondi) all'ID del componente quiz da mostrare, esempio: {"10":"... utor local run cms ./ cms delete_course [id corso] </code> ==== Installare xblock-in-video-q
- locale @tips:ubuntu
- /dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -z "$TMUX" ]] ;then ID="`tmux ls | grep -vm1 attached | cut -d: -f1`" # get the id of a deattached session if [[ -z "$ID" ]] ;then # if not available create a new one tmux new-session else tmux attach-session -t "$ID" # if available attach to it fi fi fi ### NOTH