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- image-build
- ====== Image build ====== Build image (xenial 64bit) named for example xenial-test (NAME=xenial-test) <code bash> ln-image --new-name bionic --create </code> This command
- scipiodev
- y default virsh net-start default </code> ====== image build ====== <code> ln-image --new-name bionic --create </code> check zfs share **rpool/livenet/images
- server
- enet_action_end=reboot </code> ===== BUILD IMAGE CLIENT ==== zfs create livenet/images/bionic debo... ################### </code> ===Rebuild initramfs image === ln-mng --kernel ===== DHCP ===== ==== Abilit
- 01_struttura_server
- i script: * '''' che costruisce una full image di un dipartimento * '''' crea una //dif