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- adb
- oid ====== {{tag>[android]}} <code bash> apt-get install android-tools-fastboot apt-get install android-tools-adb </code> ===== network mode ===== <code bash> ad... nnect <ip> </code> ====== Packages ====== ===== Install ===== <code bash> adb install <file.apk> </code> ===== Pull package ===== Getting list of packages <cod
- development
- io** * run /opt/android-studio/bin/ to install software * specify **/opt/android-sdk** as ne... === epson moverio ===== with android sdk manager install: * [Tools] - [Android SDK Platform-tools] * [
- bv7000
- and unzip * install libpng12 from [[
- bv9500
- os-17-1-blackview-bv9500-plus-android-10/|lineage install]] * [[
- postinstall
- ====== Android post-install ====== ===== apps ===== *