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- adb
- ===== network mode ===== <code bash> adb -d tcpip 5555 adb connect <ip> </code> ====== Packages ====== ===== Install ===== <code bash> adb install <... n tar with <code bash> dd if=appBackup.ab bs=1 skip=24|openssl zlib -d > appBackup.tar </code> =====
- decompile
- -20190905-lanchon/ unzip </code> <code> apktool decode --no-src myflir-bv2.3.6-release-sig
- bootanimation
- on make make upload </code> Copy into /lab/raxda*common/system/media desc.txt <c
- bv7000
- and unzip * install libpng12 from [[http://archive.ubuntu
- gianomobile
- In questa categoria di dati rientrano l’indirizzo IP o il nome a dominio del dispositivo da Lei utiliz
- stratos
- ot </code> push firmware <code> adb push /sdcard/ adb push recovery.img /sdcard/ adb push