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Su sistemi Ubuntu-like a 64 bit Installazione librerie necessarie <code> sudo apt-get install openjdk-... /bin/ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/msjnc </code> Installazione di Juniper Entrare una volta via webvpn e avviare il Network Connect (crea la directory nascosta nella propria home **.juniper_networks**), ignorando eventuali avvertimenti sull'i
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] gateway= mru=1400 mtu=1400 password-flags=0 user=xxx user-auth-type=password service-type... * password=xxx ====== pptp GUI ====== Installare il package networkmanager-pptp Aggiungere una ... GIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIE3zCCA8egAwIBAgIJAKI/infDrLAoMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGlMQswCQYD VQQGEwJJVDELMAkG... W7 -----END CERTIFICATE----- </ca> </file> ===== Lavagno ===== <file txt lavagno.pem> -----BEGIN CER
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== Motorizzazione uses cisco anyconnect VPN, available in linux with openconnect. ===== credenziali =... Credenziali patmot e infomot: PATMOT are those relating to driving license in points and are used for... license (no fee credentials). INFOMOT are those relating to the business profile of the vehicle number plates (for some type Municipality bodies are payable
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sist-tun persist-key # Silence the output of replay warnings, which are a common false # alarm on WiFi networks. This option preserves the security of # the replay protection code without the verbosity associated... with # warnings about duplicate packets. mute-replay-warnings # Verbosity level. # 0 = quiet, 1 = mo
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univr IPSec IPSec secret-flags=0 Local Port=0 NAT Traversal Mode=natt Perfect ... rward Secrecy=server Vendor=cisco Xauth password-flags=0 Xauth username=xxx ipsec-secret-type=save xau... i google auth, si può usare keepassxc utilizzando totp e la "secret key" {{:tips:vpn:totp.png?400|}}
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/etc/ppp/options.pptp> lock noauth nobsdcomp nodeflate </file> <file /etc/ppp/chap-secrets> <username... tc/ppp/peers/galileo> pty "pptp --nolaunchpppd" name <username> remotename PPTP require-