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====== Blender Video Editor ====== ===== Concepts ===== There are n channels: channel 0 is seen in t... top of others. ==== Stripes ==== Edit strip -> Blend -> Over Drop Edit strip -> Image Offest -> X,Y Select strip and Add -> Effect strip -> Transform Add... s ==== Make strip overlapping in two channels. Select first strip, hold shift and select second. Then
9 Hits, Last modified:
====== Redisegni ====== Enable "import images as plane" add-on Select texture mode Select shading GLSL Render -> shading -> Alpha = transparent Import image as plane * select "use alpha" * select "Z Transparency" Materi
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On domain click to physics -> bake button /lab/blender/fluid bake.py <code python> import bpy import sys from bpy.app.handlers import persistent #@persistent def do_bake(): ... on=True, view_context=False) bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() print("BAKE") do_bake() print("RENDER") d... () </code> <code bash> rm -fR /tmp/cache_fluid* blender fluid.blend --background --python bake.py </
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====== Particles ====== [[http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/77956easy|Emitter plugin]] https://www.dropbox.com/s/5b15vc5f1vs3b2j/easyEmit_2.67.zip [[http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?243174-X-Emit