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-gcc </code> All'interno di rock-bsp nel Makefile di rock-bsp/Makefile <code> KERNEL_SRC=/lab/radxa/linux-next </code> copiato radxa_rock_pro_linux_h... onfigure the linux kernel" * make uboot - compile uboot" * make kernel - compile kernel" * make ramdisk - prepare initrd.img" * make rootfs -
4 Hits, Last modified:
erlay=0 </code> In build system change for example //radxa_udoo_common/Android.mk// and touch file //build/tools/buildinfo.sh// to rebuild build.prop wi... into <aosp>/external Run environment build Compile <code bash> cd v4l-utils-imx_jb4.3_1.1.0-ga/utils... androidbootanimation.com/|theme repo]]) For example <code bash> adb remount adb push bootanimation.zi
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onitor** run program in devel mode <code> # console sul radxa (ssh rock@192.1689.x.y) sudo systemctl ... e> [Unit] Description=Monitor [Service] Type=simple User=rock ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/monitor_run Af... stall] WantedBy=multi-user.target </code> Enable <code> systemctl enable monitor.service </code>