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14 Hits, Last modified:
cls), 'w') """ Get input text file list """ txt_name_list = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(mypath): print(filenames) txt_name_list.extend(filenames) break print(txt_name_list) """ Process """ for txt_name in txt_name_list: # txt_file = open("Labels/stop_sign/001.txt"
esphome @projects:internetofthings
13 Hits, Last modified:
KEN=... PAYLOAD="{\"directive\": {\"header\": {\"namespace\": \"Alexa.Discovery\", \"name\": \"Discover\", \"payloadVersion\": \"3\", \"messageId\": \"8db404... { "supported": [ { "name": "connectivity" } ], "... { "supported": [ { "name": "connectivity" } ], "
docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
9 Hits, Last modified:
OMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 3fdbad8aa816 alpine "sh" 4 minutes ago... om image sslvpn-plus-leonardo <code> docker run --name vpn-leonardo --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device=/dev/ne... ename volume ===== <code> docker volume create --name <new_volume> docker run --rm -it -v <old_volume>:... reate a docker builder or use existing one <code> NAME=builder1 docker buildx use $NAME || docker buildx
homeassistant @projects:internetofthings
8 Hits, Last modified:
ostato [[reference|<Product type="0201" id="0501" name="TZ10.XX Wall Thermostat" config="wenzhou/tz10.xm... acturer_specific.xml near <Manufacturer id="0118" name="Wenzhou TKB Control System"> <code> <Product type="0201" id="0501" name="TZ10.XX Wall Thermostat" config="wenzhou/tz10.xm... homeassistant> server { listen 80; server_name ""; # create this fold
googlehome @projects:internetofthings
7 Hits, Last modified:
om/home/dashboard]] console * Specify project name and country {{:projects:internetofthings:passo1....]] * Add/Import project, give it a name (The same project created by the Google Cloud pla... igure your client. Add scopes for **email** and **name**. - Testing instructions: Enter anything. It d... group entity_config: name: Custom Name for Google Assistant aliases:
iotaiuto_skill @projects:internetofthings
7 Hits, Last modified:
': 'amzn1.account.AGH7EXZ2ZZMPAUDFRBZQQFK7HDQQ', 'name': 'Stefano Scipioni', 'email': 'stefano.scipioni@... ": "3", "correlationToken": "12345", "namespace": "Alexa.PowerController", "name": "TurnOff", "messageId": "abcd" }, "endpoint... ask|amazon alexa console]]: * create skill with name, default language and smart home model * get **
doorbell @projects:iotaiuto
6 Hits, Last modified:
gurazione base per camera e led <code> esphome: name: esp-citofono platform: ESP32 board: esp32dev... ifi ssid" password: "password" esp32_camera: name: Videocamera citofono external_clock: pin: ... ight: - platform: binary output: gpio_4 name: doorbell light sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: doorbell wifi signal update_interval: 30s
totem @projects:iotaiuto
5 Hits, Last modified:
o * controller ir * broadlink 5v {{drawio>namespace:totem}} ===== Schema ===== {{drawio>namespace:totem2}} ===== schema irrigatore pante ===== {{drawio>namespace:plant}} ===== esp+eCO2 sensor ===== {{drawio>namespace:esp+eco2}} ===== esp+relay ===== {{drawio>
3 Hits, Last modified:
ccess from Internet Please assign a public domain name to this server Protocol (http|https) [http]: http Domain name or public IP (e.g. otification service parameters --> <Parameter name="mqtt.server.uri" value=""
influxdb @projects:internetofthings
3 Hits, Last modified:
RD 'captive' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES > show databases name: databases name ---- _internal captive > </code> select <code> influx -database test -execute 'selec... urement": "browser", "tags": {"server":1, "server-name":"galileo"}, "time": datetime.utcnow().strftime('
iotaiuto @projects:internetofthings
3 Hits, Last modified:
owly. # 1.4 Manually connect to the WiFi SSID named BroadlinkProv. # 1.5 Run setup() and provide... server { # PUNTO 1 server_name; listen 80; return 301 h... listen 443 ssl http2; # PUNTO 2 server_name; ssl_certificate /etc/letse
presence @projects:iotaiuto
3 Hits, Last modified:
aggio: {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }}'s position: {{ trigger.to_state.state }} ... {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }}'s position: outside | ... {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }}'s position: {{ trigger.to_state.state }} |
image-build @projects:livenet
3 Hits, Last modified:
== Image build ====== Build image (xenial 64bit) named for example xenial-test (NAME=xenial-test) <code bash> ln-image --new-name bionic --create </code> This command create a chroot int
server @projects:livenet
3 Hits, Last modified:] gateway4: nameservers: addresses: [,] ... -update-style none; authoritative; option domain-name "livenet"; option domain-name-servers; allow bootp; allow booting; option
virtualization @projects:livenet
3 Hits, Last modified:
on-linux.html|ZFS zvol]] Discover host printer name with lpstat -a Address to use from windows <code... s </code> /etc/livenet/vms.conf <code> [default] name=xp master=/mnt/vms/xp local=/vms/xp update=true <... ivenet/session*/vm.desktop <code> [Desktop Entry] Name=Windows Comment=Macchina virtuale predefinita Exe
turbolevo @projects:zibaldone:electronic
3 Hits, Last modified:
2 Hits, Last modified:
analisi @projects:charta
2 Hits, Last modified:
graphite @projects:internetofthings
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jetsonnano @projects:internetofthings
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scipiodev @projects:livenet
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docs @projects:wamp
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mev2 @projects:giano
1 Hits, Last modified:
galileo @projects:iotaiuto
1 Hits, Last modified:
python @projects:zibaldone
1 Hits, Last modified:
vscode @projects:zibaldone
1 Hits, Last modified: