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docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
28 Hits, Last modified:
docker-compose.yml <code> docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build </code> ===== docker backup exampl... r-compose.yml> services: registry: restart: no image: registry:2 ports: - 5000:500... orwarding yes X11DisplayOffset 10 X11UseLocalhost no </code> on docker host create this helper script... -token xxxx # on manager check nodes docker node ls </code> assign label to nodes
turbolevo @projects:zibaldone:electronic
17 Hits, Last modified:
to the negative pole of the battery pack * P-: No Connect * C-: Connect to the negative electrode... pacità sono per lo più "volte 1000" combinazione non funzionante scheda massimo: motore 5.0.4, bms 2.... 01 52 01 62 26 R...R.b& </code> senza assistenza non funzionante <code> 0.000092 200 5D 00 CC AC 05... 00 03 5A 0B 5A 64 00 64 </code> ===== comandi e notifiche dalla batteria ===== **300** comando assi
4 Hits, Last modified:
rting with two underscores: def quux(__x: int) -> None: pass quux(3) # Fine quux(__x=3) # Error... initialize a variable with an empty container or "None" # you may have to help mypy a bit by providing... e annotation x: list[str] = [] x: Optional[str] = None # "typing.Match" describes regex matches from... return list(my_mapping.keys()) f({3: 'yes', 4: 'no'}) def f(my_mapping: MutableMapping[int, str]) -
1 Hits, Last modified:
json. From vscode attached to docker container is now enabled debugger from 'Run and Debug' view <code
cells @projects:zibaldone:electronic
1 Hits, Last modified:
briefly connect the resistor across the battery. Note the voltage reading, this is V2. * Measure yo
glusterfs @projects:zibaldone:linux
1 Hits, Last modified:
===== volume types: * distributed: more space, no redundancy * replicated: redundancy * dispers