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- esp32lora
- // 32 ESP32 GPIO32 (Pin12) -- SX1276 DIO2 (Pin10) not used by LMIC for LoRa (Timeout for FSK only) </co
- esphome
- - show - Echo - alias: "beacon2 is not active after last presence" trigger: platfo
- homeassistant
- /p/open-zwave/'> <!-- COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC does not respond to requests --> <CommandClass id="32" a
- iotaiuto
- 1194 user nobody group nogroup #comp-lzo # Do not use compression. It doesn't work with RouterOS (a
- micropython
- on when the pin is LOW while True: led.value(not led.value()) #led.on() sleep(1) #led.
- pm10
- entration MQ131 because the high concentration is not accurate enough for low concentration. ===== se
- smartband
- ion of the HA App there is now the oppurtunity to not just listen to the Boradcasts that come from the