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- atom
- i </code> ===== general ===== <code> pip install python-language-server apm install \ atom-ide-ui \ ide-python \ ide-typescript \ seti-syntax \ seti-ui \ mi... auto-detect-indentation \ jumpy \ autocomplete-python \ </code> show installed packages <code> apm lis... "*": "atom-beautify": analytics: false python_max_line_length: 120 "autocomplete-python":
- keras
- e .tf_configure.bazelrc <code> build --action_env PYTHON_BIN_PATH="/lab/gianoobserver/lib/bin/python" build --action_env PYTHON_LIB_PATH="/lab/gianoobserver/lib/lib/python3.8/site-packages" build --python_path="/lab/gianoobserver/lib
- jupyter
- setup virtual environment <code> sudo apt install python3-virtualenv mkdir <path_to_project> cd <path_to_project> virtualenv -p python3 lib source lib/bin/activate pip install -U pip w... = add bash kernel <code> pip install bash_kernel python -m bash_kernel.install </code> start bash consol... bash </code> ===== nodejs ===== pre-requisite: python virtualenv need to be "virtualenv", not "venv" <
- minecraft @tips:gameengine
- connection <code> from mcpi.minecraft import M... java -jar ~/.minecraft/launcher.jar </file> ===== Python ===== <code> sudo apt install -y python3 sudo apt install -y idle3 sudo apt install -y python3-pip sudo pip3 install -U pip ## sudo pip3 install
- install @tips:opencv
- do apt-get install -y libtbb-dev libeigen3-dev # Python 2 & 3: sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-tk python-numpy python3-dev python3-tk python3-numpy # others sudo apt-get install -y libopenexr-dev
- calibre
- l in "adobe digital edition" wineprefix Download python 32 bit installer and install with GUI "wine unins... cd ~.local/share/wineprefixes/adobe_diged/drive_c/Python27 wine python ~/Scaricati/DeDRM_tools-master/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Adobe_Digital_Editions/adobekey.
- k80
- index-url python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__); print... ycs ===== <code="bash"> pip install ultralytics python -c "import ultralytics; print(ultralytics.utils.c
- pyramid
- > pcreate --scaffold alchemy ztlbrain cd ztlbrain python develop </code> initialize db <code> in... ate --scaffold aio_websocket ztlbrain cd ztlbrain python develop </code> initialize db <code> in
- sqlite
- ====== sqlite ====== compile from sources into a python virtualenv (or change PREFIX to /usr/local) with ... IBRARY_PATH' to your environment" </code> <file python> import sqlite3 db = sqlite3.connect(':m
- telegram
- trare un webhook (consigliato) <code> pip install python-telegram-bot ipython ipython import telegram TOK... sendMessage" </code> ===== bot video ===== <code python> #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Basic example for a bot that uses inline keyboards. #
- xpath
- click on the node => "Copy XPath" With lxml and python <code> sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev pip install lxml </code> print xpath of all
- fluid @tips:blender
- > bake button /lab/blender/fluid <code python> import bpy import sys from impo... p/cache_fluid* blender fluid.blend --background --python </code> Now in /tmp there are *png phot
- panda3d @tips:gameengine
- > sudo apt-get install build-essential bison flex python-dev \ freeglut3-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libfreetype... ev libavutil-dev # libbullet-dev </code> <code> python makepanda/ --everything --no-artoolki
- linux @tips:rasberry
- d run locale-gen <code> apt-get install wiringpi python-pip # test GPIO gpio readall </code> non fare c... accessing-the-raspberry-pi-camera-with-opencv-and-python/|opencv and rasberry]] ==== view picamera as nor
- zed @tips:sensors
- cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_V4L) </code> ===== python api ===== <code> </code>