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- k80
- ==========================================| | No running processes found ... y ./deviceQuery Starting... CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking) Detecte... s) Device 0: "Tesla K80" CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version 11.4 / 11.4 CUDA Capabilit... l execution: Yes with 2 copy engine(s) Run time limit on kernels: No I
- ssl
- ; } </file> renew <code> certbot renew [--dry-run] </code> automatic renew <code> systemctl status... ded this location to ALL server blocks. You then run lets encrypt on the machine (th... an alias (cname) for </code> NGINX runs on www01 and www02 on port 80 to load balance re... ove lets encrypt location block is added to NGINX running on both www01 and www02 for all NGINX server
- vgpu
- t </code> download into juju cli and upload to host <code> juju scp /root/ $node1:/tmp </code> into host <code> sh /tmp/ </code> * ===== <code> sh sh </code>
- borg
- backup on empty folder <code> REPO=nero mkdir -p /run/media/scipio/backup/$REPO cd /run/media/scipio/backup/$REPO borg --verbose init --encryption=none ./ <... ode> add folder to backup <code> TAG=dataset cd /run/media/scipio/backup/$TARGET borg --verbose --prog... me target with different tag <code> TAG=cloud cd /run/media/scipio/backup/$TARGET borg --verbose --prog
- cordova
- les/cordova-browser/bin/templates/project/cordova/run ./platforms/browser/cordova/run </code> Add to platforms/browser/cordova/run <code> case 'linux': spawn('chromium-browser',... io.h └── jni_gpio.c </code> Rebuild this project running '''ndk-build into jni folde'''r
- pyramid
- ivation in active shell (for starting project and running) <code> . lib/bin/activate </code> start pro... > initialize_ztlbrain_db development.ini </code> run <code> pserve development.ini --reload </code> =... ivation in active shell (for starting project and running) <code> . lib/bin/activate </code> start pro... > initialize_ztlbrain_db development.ini </code> run <code> gunicorn --paste development.ini </code>
- tmux
- sh> tmux -2 new-session -d -s wega -n 'all' 'make runall' tmux new-window -t wega:2 -n 'brain & GUI' "... h" tmux send-keys -t wega:2.0 'cd wegabrain; make run' Enter tmux split-window -v "bash" tmux send-key... s current pane splitting paths. # from powerline run-shell "tmux set-environment -g TMUX_VERSION_MAJOR... -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')" run-shell "tmux set-environment -g TMUX_VERSION_MINOR
- install @tips:archlinux
- ear -g $DISK </code> Prepare partitions <code> # Run this if you need legacy (BIOS) booting: # sgdisk -a1 -n2:34:2047 -t2:EF02 $DISK # Run this for legacy (BIOS) boot or UEFI booting or ra... or embedding grub in this partition # and after run these: sgdisk -n9:-8M:0 -t9:BF07 $DISK sgd
- monitor @tips:radxa
- nitor ==== Project is in **/home/rock/monitor** run program in devel mode <code> # console sul radxa ... emctl stop monitor # start in foreground monitor_run # stop with CTRL+C </code> edit code <code> nan... simple User=rock ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/monitor_run [Ins
- 18.04 @tips:ubuntu
- 8.04 bionic ====== ===== ZFS (guest) ===== From running ZFS ubuntu on guest install newer system in n... UX_DEFAULT="break=mount" to /etc/default/grub and run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg. ==== andro... tallation <code> sudo ./ </code> Now cuda is in /usr/local/cuda-9.2/ path
- zfs-on-root @tips:ubuntu
- ear -g $DISK </code> Prepare partitions <code> # Run this if you need legacy (BIOS) booting: sgdisk -a1 -n2:34:2047 -t2:EF02 $DISK # Run this for UEFI booting or raidz pool: sgdisk -... or embedding grub in this partition # and after run these: sgdisk -n9:-8M:0 -t9:BF07 $DISK sgd
- calibre
- ==== <code> apt install winetricks:i386 </code> Run winetricks and install app: adobe digital edition... harper/DeDRM_tools, unzip and from wineprefix dir run key tool <code> cd ~.local/share/wineprefixes/ado
- capacitor
- .gianomobile </code> build www folder <code> npm run build </code> add platform <code> npx cap add an... * ionic serve * edit sources deploy: * npm run build * npx cap sync # to sync platforms * ap
- ceph-on-k0s
- eph-csi-rbd-nodeplugin-fvkdl 2/2 Running 0 6s pod/ceph-csi-rbd-provisioner-6db975cd5-mbgcd 6/6 Running 0 6s NAME
- git
- n <code bash> git remote show origin </code> if prune needed (on server restart apache if dav is used) <code bash> git remote prune origin </code> <code bash> git push --set-ups