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- esphome
- ff' for: seconds: 2 action: - service: notify.alexa_media data_template: ... value_template: "{{ ibeacon != '' }}" - service: script.set_beacon1 data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" - service: script.set_beacon2 data_template: ... : "{{ ibeacon }}" set_beacon2: sequence: - service: script.beacon2_active data_template:
- homeassistant
- l -U pip wheel pip install homeassistant </code> service <file txt /etc/systemd/system/hass.service> [Unit] Description=homeassistant [Service] Type=simple User=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/venv/bin/... stall] </file> enable service <code bash> systemctl daemon-reload systemctl ena
- iotaiuto_skill
- } </code> ===== Cloud iotaiuto ===== Questo webservice REST offre i parametri di funzionamento del servi... * lambda service: iotaiuto I codici sorgenti sono in ~/iotaiuto.g... e la gestione di più utenti. La skill chiamerà un service di galileo che, dato l'id dell'utente chiamante, ...|AWS console]] * open services -> IAM * roles -> create role -> AWS service
- iotaiuto
- el file: # /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant.service [Unit] Description=Home Assistant [Service] Type=simple User=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/lib/bin/h... /auth.cfg <code> username password </code> Start service with systemd <code> systemctl start openvpn@clien... nginx/vpn-enabled# systemctl status nginx ● nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse pro
- influxdb
- update apt install influxdb </code> enable admin service in /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf and <code> systemc... git clone systemctl restart grafana-server.service </code>
- broadlink
- scripts.yaml <file> parcheggio: sequence: - service: broadlink.send data: host: 192.168
- graphite
- ====== ===== carbon ===== install carbon-cache service <code bash> apt-get install graphite-carbon </cod
- jetsonnano
- disable lightdm whoopsie ModemManager bluetooth.service gpsd </code> ===== tools ===== jtop <code> sudo
- objectdetection
- ====== Object detection service ====== ===== Watsor ===== * [[