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- homeassistant
- Visitare http://ip-raspberry:8091 Andare sulle settings dal menu laterale **Sezione Zwave** serial... ="32" action="remove" /> <!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based --> <CommandClass... proxy_pass http://localhost:8123/; proxy_set_header Host $host; } ssl_certificate /etc/s... _devices.yaml <file> </file> ===== github ===== setup <code bash> git config --global push.default si
- iotaiuto
- /RM2==== <code bash> # 1.2 Long press the reset button until the blue LED is blinking quickly. #... the WiFi SSID named BroadlinkProv. # 1.5 Run setup() and provide your ssid, network password (if secured), and set the security mode # 1.6 Security mode options... pip install pycrypto import broadlink broadlink.setup('myssid', 'mynetworkpass', 3) # 3. poi si pre
- jetsonnano
- est_complex test_iter test_struct test_slice test_set test_dict test_long test_bytes test_memoryview te... == * * <code> apt remove -y libopencv libopencv-dev ... .test.cfg backup/model_final.weights /lab/dnn/dataset/dataset/marocco/originals/video/01.mkv -dont_show
- esphome
- name: BLE beacon2 </code> hass scripts: <code> set_ibeacon: sequence: - condition: template ... late: "{{ ibeacon != '' }}" - service: script.set_beacon1 data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" - service: script.set_beacon2 data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" set_beacon2: sequence: - service: script.beacon
- googlehome
- se: false room: living room </code> * Reset Home Assistant and TEST ACTION * Open the GOOGLE HOME APP and go into Settings > Home Control * Click the + sign, and ne... ing that should lead you the screen where you can set rooms for your devices or nicknames for your devi... old users to control the devices: - GO to the settings for the project you created in point 1 in th
- tradfri
- e con una graffetta tenere premuto il pulsante reset per 5 secondi * Rimuovere l'integrazione tradf... lampeggia. Se non funziona assicurarsi di aver resettato correttamente il remote. * Avvicinare il r... adfri: <code> >>> api(gateway.reboot())</code> Reset del gateway: <code> >>> api(gateway.factory_reset())</code> Lista dei device collegati: <code> >>> ap
- iotaiuto_skill
- se il "config.json" avrà l'attributo "api_users" settato, perché avendo un token fake non riuscirà ad ... and secret from manage "security profile" --> web settings * --> client id: xxxx * --> client s... **ARN** from top/rigth of page In [ALEXA.1]: * set ARN into default endpoint and into Europe/India region * save * setup account linking * Authorization URI: https://
- graphite
- om string) and TIME_ZONE in ///etc/graphite/ <code bash> # choose user and passwor... e = graphite.wsgi pymodule-alias = graphite.local_settings=/etc/graphite/ buffer-size = 65536 plugin = python </file> <code bash> systemct
- esp32lora
- ine RST 14 // ESP32 GPIO14 (Pin14) -- SX1276 NRESET (Pin7) Reset Trigger Input #define DIO0 26 // ESP32 GPIO26 (Pin15) -- SX1276 DIO0 (Pin8) used by LMIC
- hw
- ess outdoor]] ==== ibeacon ==== Install app BeaconSET. Set params and save with password=minew123
- smartband
- ou're using Gadgetbridge I would recommend you to set the two broadcasts nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadget... **Gadgetbridge** App and enable under the decive settings the option "Send broadcast". And thats it a
- micropython
- 1') </code> enable webrepl <code> import webrepl_setup </code> reboot and connect to webrepl using ht
- shinobi
- Add Camera ===== Add monitor using ONVIF After set: * stream type: MJPEG ===== Motion detection =