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16 Hits, Last modified:
nteger, string, ...] belong a key [string] <code> SET connections 10 INCR connections => 11 INCR connec... NCR connections => 1 </code> expiring key <code> SET resource:lock "Redis Demo" EXPIRE resource:lock 1... riends 1 2 => 1) "Alice", 2) "Bob" </code> ===== set ===== A set does not have an order but each element may only appear once. <code> SADD superpowers "
6 Hits, Last modified:
nsions \dx # enable expanded display \x </code> set search path for database <code> psql <database> ALTER DATABASE database_name SET search_path TO schema_name,public; </code> drop... EQUENCES TO gianoauth; </code> on database giano set search path on user gianoauth to search first in schema auth <code> ALTER USER gianoauth SET search_path TO auth; ALTER ROLE gianoauth IN DATA