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- redis
- code> ===== list ===== A list have an order RPUSH puts the new value at the end of the list. LPUSH puts the new value at the start of the list. LLEN, LPOP, RPOP <code> RPUSH friends "Alice" RPUSH friends "Bob" </code> <code> LRANGE friends 0 -1 => 1) "Sam", 2) "Alice", 3) "
- oracle
- Unzip all in /opt/oracle /etc/profile.d/ <code> export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle export PATH... library names <code> cd /opt/oracle ln -s ln -s </code> run **sudo ldconfig** add to .bashrc
- mssql
- linux-gnu/ </code> <code> sudo bash ./ install --force </code> check timeout to localhost (no MSSQL server on linux host !!!)
- mariadb
- ervers ===== install on each node ===== <code bash> apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://keyser
- postgres
- al lxc launch xenial postgres lxc exec postgres bash </code> <code> sudo apt install postgresql </cod