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- turbolevo @projects:zibaldone:electronic
- 0064 (1616856883.453047) can0 300#035A0B5A280064 si ripete (1616856883.483098) can0 454#035A0B5A28006... 40064 (1616856883.752432) can0 300#035A0B5A640064si ripete (1616856883.783101) can0 454#035A0B5A64006... ..64 (1616856885.103894) can0 300#035A0B5A280064 si ripete (1616856885.133090) can0 454#035A0B5A28006... uetooth/logs/ </code> <code> DC:9E:23:1F:92:96 RSSI: -51 AdvertisementData(local_name='SPECIALIZED',
- docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
- ENGINE VERSION n4z6nb6c8xi6el63a6b0vflyv * ujitsi-dev Ready Active Leader 2... 2_jibri.2 galileo/jibri:stable-6726-1 ujitsi-dev Running Running 5 hours ago </code>