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5 Hits, Last modified:
#define Z_SAFE_HOMING // temporary #define X_BED_SIZE 200 #define Y_BED_SIZE 200 #define X_MIN_POS -10 // original plate 260x260 //#define X_BED_SIZE 255 //#define Y_BED_SIZE 255 //#define Y_MIN_POS -5 </code> install marlin auto build extension chang
5 Hits, Last modified:
IL import Image classes = ["targa"] def convert(size, box): dw = 1./size[0] dh = 1./size[1] x = (box[0] + box[1])/2.0 y = (box[2] + box[3])/2.0 w = box[1] - box... w= int(im.size[0]) h= int(im.size[1]) #w
esphome @projects:internetofthings
4 Hits, Last modified:
facturer_data: %s [%d]", message.c_str(), message.size()); if (message.size() >= 73) { /* ibeacon = e2c56db5-dffb-48d2-b060-... facturer_data: %s [%d]", message.c_str(), message.size()); if (message.size() >= 73) { /* ibeacon = e2c56db5-dffb-48d2-b060-d0f5a710
integration @projects:wamp
4 Hits, Last modified:
<graphviz dot> digraph G { graph [rankdir = "LR" size="10,8" splines="true" remincross="true"]; node [fontsize = "10" shape = "egg" style="filled,rounded" color... 1:/blues6/4" ranksep=1.5]; edge [weight=1.0 arrowsize=0.5 color="#999999" fontsize = "10" penwidth=1]; db backend router [label="router\nWAMP"] browser ws
graphite @projects:internetofthings
3 Hits, Last modified:
.conf older *wsp has to be changed with whisper-resize <code bash> for i in `find /var/lib/graphite/whisper/ha/ -name "*wsp"`; do whisper-resize $i 30s:7d 5m:30d 10m:1y 1d:10y done </code> ===... l_settings=/etc/graphite/ buffer-size = 65536 plugin = python </file> <code bash> syst
homeassistant @projects:internetofthings
3 Hits, Last modified:
"LR" splines="true" remincross="true"]; node [fontsize = "10" shape = "box" style="filled" color=black p... 1:/blues6/4" ranksep=1.5]; edge [weight=1.0 arrowsize=0.5 color="#999999" fontsize = "10" penwidth=1]; hass -> influxdb -> grafana -> browser } </gra
vscode @projects:zibaldone
3 Hits, Last modified:
ode> <file json settings.json> { "editor.fontSize": 16, "editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code", "... true, "window.zoomLevel": 1.5, "editor.tabSize": 4, "editor.insertSpaces": true, "python... true, "editor.insertSpaces": true, "editor.tabSize": 4, "editor.detectIndentation": false, "edit
micropython @projects:internetofthings
2 Hits, Last modified:
rt /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin # oppure es... 00 write_flash --flash_mode dout --verify --flash_size=detect -fm dio 0 esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin </co
mycroft @projects:iotaiuto
2 Hits, Last modified:
a gpu potrebbe essere necessario ridurre il BATCH_SIZE, esempio: <code> docker run -e "BATCH_SIZE=32" -e "TRANSFER_LEARNING=1" --rm --gpus all --mount type=bi
virtualization @projects:livenet
2 Hits, Last modified:
in /etc/hosts) <code> /mnt/vms -vers=4,proto=tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 vms:/vms </code> /etc/livenet/vms.conf <code> [default] name=xp master=/mnt/vms/xp l
docker @projects:zibaldone:linux
2 Hits, Last modified:
-address-pools": [ {"base":"","size":26} ] } </code> ===== reset to factory and re... -address-pools": [ {"base":"","size":26} ] } </code> init <code> docker swarm in
analisi @projects:charta
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avere una thumbnail, un nome, un'indicazione del size Da questa pagina si potrĂ  selezionare un documen
esp32lora @projects:internetofthings
1 Hits, Last modified:
jetsonnano @projects:internetofthings
1 Hits, Last modified:
net** alexey **20FPS** with YOLOV3-tiny and image size 416 <code> cd /lab/dnn/models/plates-tiny darknet
liberidicomunicare @projects:iotaiuto
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splay.xmodule_ProblemBlock div.problem p { font-size: 1.35em; font-weight: 600; } .xmodule_display.x