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8 Hits, Last modified:
> yay pamac-aur </code> ===== Base ===== <code> sudo pacman -S intel-ucode </code> <code> sudo su grep -q menu-complete /etc/inputrc if [ $? = 1 ]; then cat >> /etc/inputrc <<EOF "\M-s": menu-c... ree-ppds gutenprint foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds sudo systemctl restart cups sudo systemctl enable cu
3 Hits, Last modified:
pool ... umount everything inside /mnt and remove subfolders zfs mount rpool/ROOT/arch </code> or cre... > passwd </code> ==== User ==== <code> pacman -S sudo useradd -m scipio usermod -a -G wheel scipio passwd scipio </code> decomment wheel in /etc/sudoers ==== Basic ==== <code> systemctl start sys
3 Hits, Last modified:
=== base ===== update mirror with fastest <code> sudo pacman-mirrors --country Italy </code> Upgrade... ze the Pacman database (Do this regularly) <code> sudo pacman-db-upgrade && sudo pacman-optimize && sync </code>