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: int = 1 x: float = 1.0 x: bool = True x: str = "test" x: bytes = b"test" x: list[int] = [1] x: set[int] = {6, 7} x: dict[str, float] = {"field": 2.0} x: tup
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: { "editor.formatOnSave": true }, "python.testing.pytestPath": "pytest", "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true } } </code> * close vscode * dest
turbolevo @projects:zibaldone:electronic
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al-tips-can-bus/|canbus basic]] * [[https://www.testandmeasurementtips.com/exploring-canbus-oscillosco... ble snooping (develop menu), enable bluetooth, do tests, disable bluetooth, disable snooping; exactly in
iidc @projects:zibaldone:electronic
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sudo tar -C /opt -xzvf pylonSDK*.tar.gz </code> test <code> /opt/pylon5/bin/PylonViewerApp </code> py