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tips:rasberry:linux [2016/05/16 15:23] – created scipiotips:rasberry:linux [2017/05/03 12:05] (current) scipio
Line 3: Line 3:
 ===== Base ===== ===== Base =====
 +edit /etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen
 +apt-get install wiringpi python-pip
 +# test GPIO
 +gpio readall
 +non fare con raspbian recenti
 +<code bash>
 +# apt install rpi-update
 +# rpi-update
 +===== camera =====
 +pip install "picamera[array]"
 +raspistill -tl 100 [-t 99999]
 +  * [[|picamera]]
 +  * [[|opencv 3.2]]
 +  * [[|opencv and rasberry]]
 +==== view picamera as normal USB camera ====
 +add to /etc/modules
 +echo bcm2835-v4l2 >> /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf
 +control panel to change camera settings
 +<code bash>
 +sudo apt install v4l2ucp
  • tips/rasberry/linux.1463405015.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/05/16 15:23
  • by scipio