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- esphome
- } ], "proactivelyReported": true, "retrievable": true } }, { "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "A... } ], "proactivelyReported": true, "retrievable": true } }, { "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "A
- graphite
- wsgi/apps-enabled/graphite.ini> [uwsgi] vacuum = true master = true processes = 2 pidfile = /tmp/ socket = /tmp/uwsgi.sock chmod-socket = 666 gid =
- homeassistant
- dot> digraph G { graph [rankdir = "LR" splines="true" remincross="true"]; node [fontsize = "10" shape = "box" style="filled" color=black penwidth=1 fillcolo
- micropython
- a_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) sta_if.connect('<your ESSID>', '<your password>'... he internal LED turn on when the pin is LOW while True: led.value(not led.value()) #led.on()