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36 Hits, Last modified:
quirements ===== ** HW**: 2 nic device **OS**: Ubuntu server 17.10 <code>apt install bash debootstra... default localboot 0 label nfs menu label Ubuntu 18.04 - diskless kernel /bionic/kernel ap... ivenet_profile=default label nfs menu label Ubuntu 14.04 - install kernel /trusty/kernel app... nic /zfsp_livenet/images/bionic/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cd /livenet/images run .... <code>
6 Hits, Last modified:
012/09/17/howto-integrate-windows-apps-into-the-ubuntu-linux-desktop-using-windows-remoteapp/|referenc... Activate remote connections * Install dot net runtime * Install [[http://www.kimknight.net/remote... es\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services] "fAllowUnlistedRemotePrograms"=dword:00000001 </code> Defi... dev libxdamage-dev libxv-dev libxkbfile-dev libasound2-dev libcups2-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev \ libxra
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tp://kissmyarch.blogspot.it/2012/01/opening-files-under-virtualbox-guest.html|tip to launch windows app clicking on file]] Minimize splash screen <code> ... odifyvm vm --bioslogodisplaytime 1 # 1ms is minimun </code> Avoid shutdown dialog on ubuntu exit session <code> VBoxManage setextradata vm GUI/DefaultCl