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-configure-the-ms-odbc-driver-on-debian/ Install unixodbc version > 2.3.0 <code> sudo apt-get remove libodbc1 unixodbc unixodbc-dev wget ftp://ftp.unixodbc.org/pub/unixODBC/unixODBC-2.3.4.tar.gz tar zxvf unixODBC-2.3.4.tar
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l 16.04 (optional) <code> lxc image copy images:ubuntu/xenial/amd64 local: --alias xenial lxc launch xenial postgres lxc exec postgres bash </code> <code... <file ini /etc/systemd/system/pgadmin.service> [Unit] Description=pgadmin Service After=network.targ... bxml2-dev libpq-dev pkg-config libqt5svg5-dev # runtime dependencies sudo apt install -y qt5-default
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ster ====== * https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-a-galera-cluster-with-mariadb-10-1-on-ubuntu-16-04-servers Three Ubuntu 16.04 servers ===== install on each node ===== <code bash> apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8 add-apt-repository 'd
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64soft-092277.html|here]] (Base + sqlplus + SDK). Unzip all in /opt/oracle /etc/profile.d/oracle.sh ... tsh.so ln -s libocci.so.1?.1 libocci.so </code> run **sudo ldconfig** add to .bashrc <code> alias sq
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EX with **sets**: collections of strings that are unordered and cannot contain duplicates <code> SADD ... r:1 visits 1 => 2 </code> use multi exec to surround HSET and SADD <code> MULTI HSET ... HSET ... SAD