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- iotaiuto_skill
- ====== iotaiuto skill ====== <uml> actor "user" as user order 10 participant "alexa" as alexa order 20 #99FF99 participant "skill AWS iotaiuto" as s... ss" as hass order 50 #0055FF == connettività == user --> alexa alexa --> skill: amazon skill --> prox... oxy --> skill skill --> alexa == flusso dati == user --> alexa alexa -[#0000FF]-> skill: alexa_id ski
- iotaiuto
- tant [Service] Type=simple User=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/lib/bin/hass -c "/home/pi/.homeassistant" [Install] # 4. abilitare il servizio Homeassistant... <code bash> # 1. ricordarsi di aggiornare il file users.yaml sul server di con il nuovo ute... -rsa-legnago/keys/nms.pem tls-client port 1194 user nobody group nogroup #comp-lzo # Do not use com
- googlehome
- [a different long URL safe random string] agent_user_id: [a string to identify user] api_key: [a Homegraph API Key generated for the Google Actions proj... evices. * If you want to allow other household users to control the devices: - GO to the setting... on, click Permissions - Click Add, type the new user’s e-mail address and choose Project -> Editor ro
- homeassistant
- stant [Service] Type=simple User=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/venv/bin/hass -c "/home/pi" [Install] </file> enable service <code bash> syste... "66"> <Value type="string" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Operating State" ... h> echo hass > /etc/incron.allow </code> as hass user edit incron table '''incrontab -e''' (incrontab
- esp32lora
- 26 // ESP32 GPIO26 (Pin15) -- SX1276 DIO0 (Pin8) used by LMIC for detecting LoRa RX_Done & TX_Done #de... 33 // ESP32 GPIO33 (Pin13) -- SX1276 DIO1 (Pin9) used by LMIC for detecting LoRa RX_Timeout #define DI... 2 ESP32 GPIO32 (Pin12) -- SX1276 DIO2 (Pin10) not used by LMIC for LoRa (Timeout for FSK only) </code>
- shinobi
- base <code> mysql < sql/database.sql mysql < sql/user.sql mysql ccio < sql/framework.sql # mysql cci... r as superuser at http://ip:8080/super and create user * user: * pass: admin ===== Add Camera ===== Add monitor using ONVIF Afte
- graphite
- aphite/ <code bash> # choose user and password graphite-manage syncdb chown _graph... e during site downtime, # allowing you to use styles and images in your maintenance page.
- influxdb
- version: 1.2.1 > create database captive > CREATE USER "captive" WITH PASSWORD 'captive' WITH ALL PRIVI... nt = InfluxDBClient('', 8086, username='captive', password='captive', database='tes
- fiocco @projects:internetofthings:clients
- t to right direction rectangle casa { Alberto as user (google home) as (ghome) (modem telecom) as (... a) (luci) as (luci) } (internet) as (internet) user -> ghome ghome -> hass hass -> broadlink hass ->
- esp32
-|how to use pins]] [[
- freenove
- 7rm8eNYZHW8CY6BOIKwMH7a3YYzZYL90zf304cAHLFaZE0" > userconf.txt touch ssh.txt </code> blacklist audio
- pm10
- he air quality (e.g. pollution)**, it's better to use the low concentration MQ131 because the high conc
- smartband
- fitnesstracker realizes you fell asleep. You can use this e.g. as a trigger to turn off the lights whe