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- zabbix @tips
- ls url= user=xxx password=xxx # 2. get authorization token au... \ -d " \ { \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"user.login\", \"params\": { \"user\": \"$user\", \"password\": \"$password\" }, \"id\": 1, \"auth\": null } " $url | \ jq -r '.result
- iotaiuto_skill @projects:internetofthings
- ====== iotaiuto skill ====== <uml> actor "user" as user order 10 participant "alexa" as alexa order 20 #99FF99 participant "skill AWS iotaiuto" as ski... ss" as hass order 50 #0055FF == connettività == user --> alexa alexa --> skill: amazon skill --> proxy... oxy --> skill skill --> alexa == flusso dati == user --> alexa alexa -[#0000FF]-> skill: alexa_id skil
- postgres @tips:db
- s in schema \dt auth.* # describe table \d+ auth.users # list of installed extensions \dx # enable ex... noauth TO postgres; DROP OWNED BY gianoauth; DROP USER IF EXISTS gianoauth; </code> create role gianoauth <code> CREATE USER gianoauth WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'xxx' LOGIN NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICA
- telegram @tips
- isAuthorized(update): isOk = update.effective_user['id'] in AUTHORIZED if not isOk: upda... aybe another time, you are %s' % update.effective_user['id']) return isOk def repl... "show ...") if _isAuthorized(update): user_id = update.effective_user['id']["/home/pi/", str(user_id)], shell=F
- galileo @tips:vpn
- izzo server concentratore: * username e password <code> yay -S networkmanager-l2tp... 19f2820e57 type=vpn autoconnect=false permissions=user:scipio:; timestamp=1623922800 [vpn] gateway= mru=1400 mtu=1400 password-flags=0 user=xxx user-auth-type=password service-type=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.l2tp [vpn-secrets] password=xx
- systemd @zibaldone:linux
- systemctl daemon-reload </code> ===== Systemd as user ===== enable systemd for specific user <code> loginctl enable-linger <username> </code> * add user to systemd-journal group to permit journactl operations <code> usermod -a -G
- otp @tips
- 4F (53192527) 95354783 3) creare e securizzare "users.oath": touch /etc/users.oath chmod 0600 /etc/users.oath 4) aggiungere le seguenti righe (il codice è l'Hex secret) al "users.oath": vi /etc/users.oath # Option User Prefix
- iotaiuto @projects:internetofthings
- tant [Service] Type=simple User=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/lib/bin/hass -c "/home/pi/.homeassistant" [Install] # 4. abilitare il servizio Homeassistant ... <code bash> # 1. ricordarsi di aggiornare il file users.yaml sul server di con il nuovo uten... -rsa-legnago/keys/nms.pem tls-client port 1194 user nobody group nogroup #comp-lzo # Do not use comp
- openvpn @tips:vpn
- = </code> profile and vpn user <code> /ppp profile add change-tcp-mss=default c... ed use-vj-compression=default </code> define vpn user <code> /ppp secret add caller-id="" comment="" d... led=no limit-bytes-in=0 \ limit-bytes-out=0 name="username" password="password" \ routes="" service=any ... -rsa-legnago/keys/nms.pem tls-client port 1194 user nobody group nogroup #comp-lzo # Do not use comp
- airmouse @tips
- mponenti: * * * Chip con support... : * NRF52840 * ESP32-S3 * [[ BNO08x (mag e fusion) Esp32-s3:\\ FNWuUy%252BBihNw%3D%3D Nrf52840:\\
- airos @tips
- the current radio stats // airOS_getFile_HTTP ($username, $password, $file, $address, $schema) #$out ... // CPE print $out; function airOS_getFile_HTTP ($username, $password, $file, $address, $schema) { ... curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, Array ('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); $re
- ldap @tips
- ====== LDAP ====== users.ldif <code> dn: ou=people,dc=csgalileo,dc=org objectClass: organizationalUnit ... bjectClass: organizationalUnit ou: Groups dn: cn=users,ou=Groups,dc=csgalileo,dc=org cn: users gidNumber: 5159 objectclass: top objectclass: posixGroup dn: ... ectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword: {SSHA}x </code> import <code> ldapad
- seamless @projects:livenet
- onfig </code> Call remoteapp <code> xfreerdp /u:user /p:user \ +clipboard /drive:home,${HOME} /sound:sys:pulse \ /app:"||appname" /v:<ip_windows_machine> xfreerdp /u:user /p:user \ +clipboard /drive:home,${HOME} /sound:sys:pulse /cert-ignore \ -encryption -compression \
- postinstall @tips:archlinux
- yay android-emulator yay gradle </code> <code> USER=scipio usermod -a -G adbusers $USER usermod -a -G kvm $USER </code>
- redis @tips:db
- mespace:table:id <code> INCR gianoauth:realm:next_user_id => 1 HSET gianoauth:realm:user:1 id 1 username "scipio" name "Stefano Scipioni" password "hash" visits 0 </code> add an INDEX with **... ontain duplicates <code> SADD gianoauth:realm:all-users gianoauth:realms:users:1 </code> visits <code>