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- zabbix
- ls url= user=xxx password=xxx # 2. get authorization token au... \ -d " \ { \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"user.login\", \"params\": { \"user\": \"$user\", \"password\": \"$password\" }, \"id\": 1, \"auth\": null } " $url | \ jq -r '.result
- telegram
- isAuthorized(update): isOk = update.effective_user['id'] in AUTHORIZED if not isOk: upda... aybe another time, you are %s' % update.effective_user['id']) return isOk def repl... "show ...") if _isAuthorized(update): user_id = update.effective_user['id']["/home/pi/", str(user_id)], shell=F
- postgres @tips:db
- noauth TO postgres; DROP OWNED BY gianoauth; DROP USER IF EXISTS gianoauth; </code> create role gianoauth <code> CREATE USER gianoauth WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'xxx' LOGIN... A auth TO gianoauth; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR USER postgres IN SCHEMA auth GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO gianoauth; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR USER postgres IN SCHEMA auth GRANT SELECT, USAGE ON SE
- galileo @tips:vpn
- 19f2820e57 type=vpn autoconnect=false permissions=user:scipio:; timestamp=1623922800 [vpn] gateway= mru=1400 mtu=1400 password-flags=0 user=xxx user-auth-type=password service-type=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.l2tp [vpn-secrets] password=xx... eo.nmconnection </code> change: * permissions=user:scipio:; (this is local linux user) * user=xxx
- motorizzazione @tips:vpn
- > <file txt /etc/openconnect/motorizzazione.env> user=COMxxx password=yyy url=https://anyvpn.ilportaled... tc/openconnect/motorizzazione.env openconnect -u $user -b $url </code> test if resolve with 10.x.x.x <c... ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/openconnect -u $user --servercert "$servercert" -b $url <<< $password"... ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/openconnect -u $user --servercert "$servercert" $url <<< $password" [
- openvpn @tips:vpn
- = </code> profile and vpn user <code> /ppp profile add change-tcp-mss=default c... ed use-vj-compression=default </code> define vpn user <code> /ppp secret add caller-id="" comment="" d... -rsa-legnago/keys/nms.pem tls-client port 1194 user nobody group nogroup #comp-lzo # Do not use comp... e verb 3 cipher AES-256-CBC auth SHA1 pull auth-user-pass auth.cfg script-security 2 up /etc/openvpn/
- ansible
- yaml addkeys.yaml> - name: Add ssh key to ubuntu user hosts: nodes tasks: - name: Set authorized key took from file authorized_key: user: ubuntu state: present key: "{{ looku... stall ===== <code bash> python3 -m pip install --user ansible </code> ===== config ===== <file ini /etc/ansible/hosts> [all:vars] ansible_user='ubuntu' ansible_become=yes ansible_become_method
- trac
- nel file ''users.passwd'' e ognuna ha la forma ''user:realm:password'' Per generare una password: <code> user="guest" realm="trac" password="sldjfsdfoih" echo ${user}:${realm}:$(printf "${user}:${realm}:${password}" | md5sum - | sed -e 's/\s\+-//') </code>
- univr @tips:vpn
- 622ead54d0 type=vpn autoconnect=false permissions=user:scipio:; timestamp=1630335537 [vpn] IKE DH Group... Host umfa Hostname User 01scpsfn29 ForwardAgent yes Host ucd Hostname User 01scpsfn29 ProxyJump umfa Host ustage Hostname User 01scpsfn29 ProxyJump umfa </code> Oppure, al
- autofs
- ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and check <code bash> ssh <user>@destination </code> 1000 is id of local user <file txt /etc/auto.master.d/sshfs.autofs> /mnt/sshfs /e... mpty,noatime,allow_other,max_read=65536 :sshfs\#remote_user@destinatio.remote\:/path/to/mount </file>
- idrac
- etti nella macchina stessa. In locale non servono user e password. Per scaricare la configurazione Idra... n funzioni) <code> racadm -r -u ${DRAC_USER} -p ${DRAC_PASSWORD} getconfig -f node4_drac_conf... in realtà ): <code> racadm -r -u ${DRAC_USER} -p ${DRAC_PASSWORD} config -f node4_drac_config.
- postinstall @tips:archlinux
- yay android-emulator yay gradle </code> <code> USER=scipio usermod -a -G adbusers $USER usermod -a -G kvm $USER </code>
- redis @tips:db
- mespace:table:id <code> INCR gianoauth:realm:next_user_id => 1 HSET gianoauth:realm:user:1 id 1 username "scipio" name "Stefano Scipioni" password "hash" visi... :1 </code> visits <code> HINCRBY gianoauth:realm:user:1 visits 1 => 2 </code> use multi exec to surrou
- monitor @tips:radxa
- de> ==== Connect ==== Connect to RADXA <code> # user rock, password rock ssh rock@192.168.x.y </code> ... [Unit] Description=Monitor [Service] Type=simple User=rock ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/monitor_run After=n... [Install] </code> Enable <code> systemctl enable
- cordova
- er', ['--test-type', '--disable-web-security', '--user-data-dir=/tmp/temp_chrome_user_data_dir_for_cordova_browser', project]); break; </code> ==== Cro