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- homeassistant
- == configurazioni z-wave vecchie ==== TKB Home TZ10.XX / TZ10.36 termostato [[reference|<Product type="0201" id="0501" name="TZ10.XX Wall Thermostat" config="wenzhou/tz10.xml"/>]] <file txt /etc/udev/rules.d/local.conf> SUBSYSTEM=
- iotaiuto
- el-b-plus/]] ==== SCHEDA MICRO SD (ALMENO CLASSE-10) ==== [[ n/ (chmod +x) <code> #!/bin/sh ip route add via </code> /etc/openvpn/auth.cfg <code> username password </code> Start serv... icazione BROADLINK con versione di crittografia 0.10 (obbligatoria altrimenti # non funziona)
- esp32lora
- esign=41&utm_source=emarsys&utm_medium=Neworder171109&utm_campaign=trigger-emarsys&utm_content=Winna&s... 73&sc_eh=c6b1cd70aba59b5e1&sc_llid=1315697&sc_lid=105229698&sc_uid=0ZHoIfBra4&cur_warehouse=CN|Wemos® ... PIN // 32 ESP32 GPIO32 (Pin12) -- SX1276 DIO2 (Pin10) not used by LMIC for LoRa (Timeout for FSK only)... > TO BUY: *
- jetsonnano
- ras]] * [[|camera search engine]] ===== remove desktop ... ts </code> check CUDA <code> cd /usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery sudo make ./deviceQuery cd /usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/1_Utilities/bandwidthTest/ sudo make ./... CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version 10.0 / 10.0 CUDA Capability Major/Minor version nu
- pm10
- ====== Progetto PM10 ====== ===== luftaden ===== * [[|home luftaden]] * [[...|mappa]] * [[ tps://|kit PM10 con istruzioni]] * [[|s...|API]] ===== sensori ===== * PM2.5 e PM10: [[
- esphome
- /* ibeacon = e2c56db5-dffb-48d2-b060-d0f5a71096e0 */ auto ibeacon = message.s... /* ibeacon = e2c56db5-dffb-48d2-b060-d0f5a71096e0 */ auto ibeacon = message.subst... id: "02.15.E2.C5.6D.B5.DF.FB.48.D2.B0.60.D0.F5.A7.10.96.E0. (23)" * name: "scipio cell... (), "02.15.E2.C5.6D.B5.DF.FB.48.D2.B0.60.D0.F5.A7.10.96.E0. (23)") == 0) {
- graphite
- [default] pattern = .* retentions = 30s:7d,5m:30d,10m:1y,1d:10y </file> after changing *schemas.conf older *wsp has to be changed with whisper-resize <co... me "*wsp"`; do whisper-resize $i 30s:7d 5m:30d 10m:1y 1d:10y done </code> ===== graphite-web ===== web interface <code bash> apt-get install graphite
- esp32
- : 5 μA * Integrated sensors * Hall Effect * 10x inputs for capacitive touch interface * LiPo b... m/Heltec-Aaron-Lee/WiFi_Kit_series/blob/3b81bff5f710df6ed8bd47120ad2879c165da936/esp32/variants/wifi_k
- micropython
- --chip esp32 --port $PORT write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-20181103-v1.9.4-683-gd94aa577a.bin </code> ==== old ==== Based on [[
- sirio @projects:internetofthings:clients
-|sirio 10000p]] * connettore RS232 femmina * [[
- hw
- * [[|Mini controller USB Z-Wave plus]] ==== Contrrol
- influxdb
- from "mctc.veicoli.get" order by time desc limit 10' </code> test <code> curl -G http://carbon:8086/
- iotaiuto_skill
- skill ====== <uml> actor "user" as user order 10 participant "alexa" as alexa order 20 #99FF99 par
- tradfri
- a un centimentro dal gateway e tenere premuto per 10 secondi il pulsante di pairing. Rilasciare il pul