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Fulltext results:
- lxd
- PROXY=$( lxc network show lxdbr0 | sed -n 's/\s\+ipv4.address: \([0-9\.]\+\).*/\1/p' ) echo "Acqu... d: "true" linux.kernel_modules: openvswitch,nbd,ip_tables,ip6_tables devices: eth0: mtu: "9000" name: eth0 nictype: bridged parent: br... ork show br0 lxc network edit br0 </code> static IP container <code> istance=c1 lxc stop $instance l
- networknamespaces @tips:linux
- /netns chmod +x /bin/nets </code> uncomment "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" in /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf enable NAT <code> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens3 -j MASQUERADE iptables-save > /etc/firewall </code> bash prompt,
- airos
- false, "airview": 2 }, "firewall": { "iptables": false, "ebtables": false, "ip6tables": false, "eb6tables": false }, "portfw":... le_len": 14 } ], "ipaddr": [ "", ... "tx_errors": 0, "rx_errors": 0, "ipaddr": "", "speed": 1000, "
- univr @tips:vpn
- io:; timestamp=1630335537 [vpn] IKE DH Group=dh2 IPSec ID=univr IPSec IPSec secret-flags=0 Local Port=0 NAT Traversal Mode=natt Perfect Forward ... r=cisco Xauth password-flags=0 Xauth username=xxx ipsec-secret-type=save xauth-password-type=save serv
- openvpn @tips:vpn
- port in mikrotik ca.crt and after ca.key </code> ip pool <code> /ip pool add name=ovpn-pool ranges= </code> profile and vpn user ... =yes keepalive-timeout=disabled max-mtu=1500 mode=ip netmask=29 \ port=1194 require-client-certificate... /etc/openvpn/ (chmod +x) <code> #!/bin/sh ip route add via </code> /
- onvif
- =GetDeviceInformation QUERY=GetSystemDateAndTime IP= curl -s http://$IP/onvif/device_service \ -d '<s:Envelope xmlns:s=" elope>' \ | xmllint --format - </code> <code> IP= curl -s http://$IP/onvif/device_service \
- fail2ban
- send -g --format markdown "`uname -n`: [Fail2Ban] IP <ip> è stato bannato dopo <failures> tentativi falliti dalla jail <name>" actionunban = [Init] init... = <code> fail2ban-client set giano-login unbanip IPADDRESS </code> ===== telegram action ===== <cod
- agid
- vi di rete stessi, registrando almeno l'indirizzo IP. **Inventario dei software autorizzati e non aut... • Installare su tutti i dispositivi firewall ed IPS personali. • Limitare l'uso di dispositivi e
- jibri
- stom_router] option forwardfor header X-Real-IP default_backend bk_http_default frontend ft_... n h2,http/1.1 option forwardfor header X-Real-IP option httpchk use_backend %[lua.custom_r
- telegram
- nsigliato) <code> pip install python-telegram-bot ipython ipython import telegram TOKEN="xyz" bot = telegram.Bot(TOKEN) bot.setWebhook("
- gianomobile @tips:android
- In questa categoria di dati rientrano l’indirizzo IP o il nome a dominio del dispositivo da Lei utiliz... i per l’accertamento di responsabilità in caso di ipotetici reati informatici ai danni di Galileo. ==
- postgres @tips:db
- : admin@admin * pass: admin@admin set static IP on containers <code> /var/lib/lxd/networks/lxdbr... 2/pip/pgadmin4-4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl # define ip binding CONFIG=/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-pack
- galileo @tips:vpn
- NetworkManager.l2tp [vpn-secrets] password=xxx [ipv4] dns-search= ignore-auto-dns=true method=auto [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy dns-search= metho... ucrmxZAB2EsRLQfivbl536a711mgr8 DNof7+ttWpFBFb+U+G1ipDNhiBiAkhLJMSL7vB5JHcu/YLUgZiVXzOmD1YI812PJ wECaqp
- ipsec @tips:vpn
- ====== ipsec ====== ===== linux GUI client ===== * <code
- audio
-> load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl=; load-module module-z