This is an old revision of the document!
3D printer
- mount heatbreak and nozzle touching toghether and with 0.5mm gap between head and nozzle
- preheat hotend at ABS temp
- fix nozzle with 1nm torque
- set combing mode to off
z offset: subtract 0.25 to A4 paper without friction and without warm up
Printing tips
- Initial Layer Speed: 20mm/s
- Combing mode: not in skin
- Maximum Comb Distance with No Retract: 10mm
- Initial Layer Line Width: 140%
- first layer: 245
- other layer: 245
- bed: 80
- z-hop: 0.6
Anycubic 4max pro 2
- anycubic_4max_4maxpro2.0_petg_fast
[general] version = 4 name = 4MAXpro2.0 PETG fast definition = anycubic_4max [metadata] type = quality_changes quality_type = normal intent_category = default position = 0 setting_version = 19 [values] cool_fan_enabled = True cool_fan_speed = 50 infill_pattern = grid infill_sparse_density = 20 initial_layer_line_width_factor = 140 material_initial_print_temperature = =max(-273.15, material_print_temperature - 10) material_print_temperature = 245 material_print_temperature_layer_0 = 245 optimize_wall_printing_order = True raft_margin = 5 retraction_combing_max_distance = 10 retraction_hop = 0.6 retraction_hop_enabled = True speed_layer_0 = 20 speed_print = 50 speed_print_layer_0 = =speed_layer_0 speed_travel = 100 speed_travel_layer_0 = =speed_layer_0 * speed_travel / speed_print top_layers = =0 if infill_sparse_density == 100 else math.ceil(round(top_thickness / resolveOrValue('layer_height'), 4)) travel_avoid_other_parts = False wall_line_count = =1 if magic_spiralize else max(1, round((wall_thickness - wall_line_width_0) / wall_line_width_x) + 1) if wall_thickness != 0 else 0
- anycubic_4max_extruder_0_#2_4maxpro2.0_petg_fast
[general] version = 4 name = 4MAXpro2.0 PETG fast definition = anycubic_4max [metadata] type = quality_changes quality_type = normal setting_version = 19 [values] adaptive_layer_height_enabled = False adhesion_type = skirt default_material_bed_temperature = 60 layer_height = 0.3 material_bed_temperature = 80 material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 80 retraction_combing = noskin support_enable = False support_type = buildplate
Flsun Super Racer
Ender3 v2
- bed 70
- head 225
- Retraction Distance: 6.5mm.
- Retraction Speed: 25mm/s.
- Maximum Retraction Count: 10.
- Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: 10mm.
- Combing Mode: ON and set to “Within Infill” (no stringing).
- fan 100% for details or fan 0% for stranght
Geeetech A20
first layer speed 10mm/s
into start g-code keep only first G28 as below
G28; auto home G1 Z15 F300; linear move, 15mm vertical and set feedrate at 300 M107; turn fan off G90 ; absolute positioning M82 ; This command is used to override G91 and put the E axis into absolute mode independent of the other axes. G92 E0; set absolute position M107 ; M107; turn fan off G0 X10 Y20 F6000 ; move to X 10 mm Y 20 mm , feed rate 6000 G1 Z0.8 ; move Z to 0.8 mm [WHY MOVE VERTICALLY?] G1 F300 X200 E40 ; push 40 mm of filament while moving at 300 mm/min to position X=200 G1 F1200 Z2 ; move to position Z=2 at 1200 mm/min G92 E0 ; set the extruder position as the new zeros
fetch marlin code and checkout same branch release on Marlin.git and Configurations.git
apply this patch
git clone #git clone cd Marlin check out latest release branch, for example git clone cd Configurations check out latest release branch, for example #git clone # copy Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h from examples cd .. rsync -av Configurations/config/examples/Geeetech/A20/ Marlin/ code . // select default shell to bash Terminal: Select Default Profile // change MOTHERBOARD #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_GT2560_V4_A20 // enable bltouch if present // comment PROBE_MANUALLY and decomment BLTOUCH //#define PROBE_MANUALLY #define BLTOUCH #define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. #define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the probe. #define Z_SAFE_HOMING // temporary #define X_BED_SIZE 200 #define Y_BED_SIZE 200 #define X_MIN_POS -10 // original plate 260x260 //#define X_BED_SIZE 255 //#define Y_BED_SIZE 255 //#define Y_MIN_POS -5
install marlin auto build extension
change vscode settings.json
- javascript
{ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "bash" }
To upload firmware add a custom FFF (no geeetech A20 model) printer and use upload firmware menu
Anycubic Predator
- rename predator_image.png.stl to predator_image.png
custom spare parts:
Marlin firmware predator
clone this repository
clone this marlin 2.0.9
or update scipio
- download
cd /lab/printer3d/marlin-predator # only one time #git remote add upstream git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/2.0.x
add to Marlin/Configuration.h
#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 11
decomment in Marlin/Configuration_adv.h
// Enable for M105 to include ADC values read from temperature sensors. #define SHOW_TEMP_ADC_VALUES
build project: in platformio select trigorilla-pro
scp .pio/build/trigorilla_pro/firmware.bin root@octoprint.local:/root
remove jumper jp1 and change other jumper to USB video
getting info
stm32flash /dev/ttyUSB0 stm32flash 0.5 Interface serial_posix: 57600 8E1 Version : 0x22 Option 1 : 0x00 Option 2 : 0x00 Device ID : 0x0414 (STM32F10xxx High-density) - RAM : 64KiB (512b reserved by bootloader) - Flash : 512KiB (size first sector: 2x2048) - Option RAM : 16b - System RAM : 2KiB
make backup
stm32flash -r predator-original.bin /dev/ttyUSB0
write firmware
stm32flash -v -R -b 57600 -g 0x8000000 -w firmware.bin /dev/ttyUSB0
[env:trigorilla_pro] platform = ststm32 board = genericSTM32F103ZE build_flags = !python Marlin/src/HAL/STM32F1/
Auto calibration
- configuration → delta calibration → auto → enter → wait → enter
- configuration → store
z offset
Disable software endstops (M211 S0), preheat and with motion z to grab paper: get deltaz (positive or negative, for example 0.3)
- configuration → runout sensors → off
- temperature → preheat PLA → preheat PLA
- motion → z
adjust probe z-offest adding deltaz:
- configuration → probe z-offest → =z-offest+deltaz
enable software endstops (M211 S1)
store settings
z babysteps
M290 Z0.25 ; move up 0.25mm on the Z axis ... M500 ; store
PID autotune
start pid autotune at 220C and 8 cycles
M303 S220 C8
wait and store proposed values with M301
M301 P13.83 I0.76 D63.18
save settings
Thermocouple tuning
Get actual extrusor thermocouple from Menu → About → Thermistors and from Configuration.h get actual thermistor_xx.h utilized
set hotend to 200C from control and check in terminal ADC value (138.06 in example)
Recv: T:200.47 /200.00 (138.06) B:21.64 /0.00 (982.37) @:47 B@:0