ESP32 cam
#!/bin/sh TOKEN=... PAYLOAD="{\"directive\": {\"header\": {\"namespace\": \"Alexa.Discovery\", \"name\": \"Discover\", \"payloadVersion\": \"3\", \"messageId\": \"8db404f7-f5a1-495e-9a30-3a8af3bf94e0\"}, \"payload\": {\"scope\": {\"type\": \"BearerToken\", \"token\": \"...\"}}}}" curl -q -X POST \ -d "$PAYLOAD" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ http://localhost:8123/api/alexa/smart_home | jq '.event.payload.endpoints[] | select(.displayCategories[0]=="CAMERA")'
in esp32 cam this section is missing in “capabilities”
{ "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "Alexa.CameraStreamController", "version": "3", "cameraStreamConfigurations": [ { "protocols": [ "HLS" ], "resolutions": [ { "width": 1280, "height": 720 } ], "authorizationTypes": [ "NONE" ], "videoCodecs": [ "H264" ], "audioCodecs": [ "AAC" ] } ] },
esp32 entry (missing some values)
{ "displayCategories": [ "CAMERA" ], "cookie": {}, "endpointId": "camera#citofono", "friendlyName": "citofono", "description": "camera.citofono via Home Assistant", "manufacturerName": "Home Assistant", "additionalAttributes": { "manufacturer": "Home Assistant", "model": "camera", "softwareVersion": "2021.6.6", "customIdentifier": "-camera.citofono" }, "capabilities": [ { "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "Alexa.EndpointHealth", "version": "3", "properties": { "supported": [ { "name": "connectivity" } ], "proactivelyReported": true, "retrievable": true } }, { "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "Alexa", "version": "3" } ] }
valid stream camera working in alexa
{ "displayCategories": [ "CAMERA" ], "cookie": {}, "endpointId": "camera#cancello", "friendlyName": "camera cancello", "description": "camera.cancello via Home Assistant", "manufacturerName": "Home Assistant", "additionalAttributes": { "manufacturer": "Home Assistant", "model": "camera", "softwareVersion": "2021.6.6", "customIdentifier": "-camera.cancello" }, "capabilities": [ { "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "Alexa.CameraStreamController", "version": "3", "cameraStreamConfigurations": [ { "protocols": [ "HLS" ], "resolutions": [ { "width": 1280, "height": 720 } ], "authorizationTypes": [ "NONE" ], "videoCodecs": [ "H264" ], "audioCodecs": [ "AAC" ] } ] }, { "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "Alexa.EndpointHealth", "version": "3", "properties": { "supported": [ { "name": "connectivity" } ], "proactivelyReported": true, "retrievable": true } }, { "type": "AlexaInterface", "interface": "Alexa", "version": "3" } ] }
BLE tracker smartband
enable esp32_ble_tracker and a binary sensor on ble_presence
esp32_ble_tracker: binary_sensor: - platform: ble_presence mac_address: E8:36:FD:20:E3:54 id: miband_presence_scipio name: "MiBand presence scipio"
automation directly on sensor created by esphome
- alias: cancello
- entity_id: binary_sensor.miband_presence_scipio
platform: state
to: 'on'
seconds: 2
- entity_id: binary_sensor.miband_presence_scipio
platform: state
to: 'off'
seconds: 2
- service: notify.alexa_media
message: >
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.miband_presence_scipio', 'on') %}
'Stefano è arrivato'
{% else %}
'Stefano è partito'
{% endif %}
type: announce
method: all
- show
- Echo
example of added binary sensor defined on ble sensor
binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: miband_scipio_sticky: value_template: >- {{is_state('binary_sensor.miband_presence_scipio', 'on')}} delay_off: 60
BLE bluetooth tracker (version 1)
hass input_boolean:
beacon2_learn: name: learn beacon2 initial: off icon: mdi:mdi-tag-plus beacon2_active: name: beacon2 is recently seen icon: mdi:mdi-account-check beacon2_trigger: name: beacon2 is now detected initial: off icon: mdi:mdi-account-check
hass input_text:
beacon1: name: BLE beacon1 beacon2: name: BLE beacon2
hass scripts:
set_ibeacon: sequence: - condition: template value_template: "{{ ibeacon != '' }}" - service: script.set_beacon1 data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" - service: script.set_beacon2 data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" set_beacon2: sequence: - service: script.beacon2_active data_template: ibeacon: "{{ ibeacon }}" - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_learn state: "on" - service: input_text.set_value data_template: entity_id: input_text.beacon2 value: "{{ ibeacon }}" - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_learn beacon2_active: sequence: - condition: template value_template: "{{ ibeacon == states('input_text.beacon2') }}" - service: input_boolean.turn_on entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_trigger - delay: 1 - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_trigger
hass automations:
- alias: "beacon2 is active" trigger: platform: state entity_id: input_sensor.beacon2_trigger to: "on" condition: condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_active state: "off" action: - service: input_boolean.turn_on entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_active - service: notify.alexa_media data: message: "Stefano è arrivato" data: type: announce method: all target: - show - Echo - alias: "beacon2 is not active after last presence" trigger: platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_trigger to: "off" for: 140 action: - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.beacon2_active - service: notify.alexa_media data: message: "Stefano è partito" data: type: announce method: all target: - show - Echo
type: entities entities: - entity: input_boolean.beacon2_learn - entity: input_text.beacon2 - entity: input_boolean.beacon2_trigger - entity: input_boolean.beacon2_active title: Tracker cancello
esp32_ble_tracker: on_ble_advertise: - then: - homeassistant.service: service: script.set_ibeacon data: ibeacon: !lambda |- for (auto data : x.get_manufacturer_datas()) { auto message = hexencode(; ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", "manufacturer_data: %s [%d]", message.c_str(), message.size()); if (message.size() >= 73) { /* ibeacon = e2c56db5-dffb-48d2-b060-d0f5a71096e0 */ auto ibeacon = message.substr(6, 2) + message.substr(9, 2) + message.substr(12, 2) + message.substr(15, 2) + '-' + message.substr(18, 2) + message.substr(21, 2) + '-' + message.substr(24, 2) + message.substr(27, 2) + '-' + message.substr(30, 2) + message.substr(33, 2) + '-' + message.substr(36, 2) + message.substr(39, 2) + message.substr(42, 2) + message.substr(45, 2) + message.substr(48, 1); return ibeacon.c_str(); } } return "";
BLE bluetooth tracker (version 2)
text_sensor: - platform: template name: "BLE ibeacon" id: template_text esp32_ble_tracker: on_ble_advertise: - then: - lambda: |- for (auto data : x.get_manufacturer_datas()) { auto message = hexencode(; ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", "manufacturer_data: %s [%d]", message.c_str(), message.size()); if (message.size() >= 73) { /* ibeacon = e2c56db5-dffb-48d2-b060-d0f5a71096e0 */ auto ibeacon = message.substr(6, 2) + message.substr(9, 2) + message.substr(12, 2) + message.substr(15, 2) + '-' + message.substr(18, 2) + message.substr(21, 2) + '-' + message.substr(24, 2) + message.substr(27, 2) + '-' + message.substr(30, 2) + message.substr(33, 2) + '-' + message.substr(36, 2) + message.substr(39, 2) + message.substr(42, 2) + message.substr(45, 2) + message.substr(48, 1); id(template_text).publish_state(ibeacon.c_str()); } }
BLE bluetooth tracker (deprecated)
parameters to change:
- uuid: “02.15.E2.C5.6D.B5.DF.FB.48.D2.B0.60.D0.F5.A7.10.96.E0. (23)”
- name: “scipio cell”
binary_sensor: - platform: template device_class: presence name: "scipio cell" id: beacon1 script: - id: ble_off_script mode: restart then: - binary_sensor.template.publish: id: beacon1 state: true - delay: 60s - binary_sensor.template.publish: id: beacon1 state: false esp32_ble_tracker: on_ble_advertise: - then: - lambda: |- for (auto data : x.get_manufacturer_datas()) { if (strcmp(hexencode(, "02.15.E2.C5.6D.B5.DF.FB.48.D2.B0.60.D0.F5.A7.10.96.E0. (23)") == 0) { ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", "beacon1 found"); id(ble_off_script).execute(); } else { ESP_LOGD("ble_adv", " - %s", hexencode(; } }