
This is an old revision of the document!

Sito di riferimento:

ubuntu@h-mdm:~$ sudo apt update
ubuntu@h-mdm:~$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk aapt tomcat8 postgresql
ubuntu@h-mdm:~$ sudo apt install unzip
ubuntu@h-mdm:~$ wget
ubuntu@h-mdm:~$ unzip 

Preparazione database

# su - postgres
$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER hmdm WITH PASSWORD 'Topsecret1234';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE hmdm WITH OWNER=hmdm;
postgres=# \q

# Bisogna specificare -h localhost, altrimenti effettua # una peer authentication, che fallisce perché non esiste # hmdm negli utenti di sistema psql -U hmdm -W -h localhost

ubuntu@h-mdm:~$ sudo ./

ubuntu@h-mdm:~/hmdm-install$ sudo ./ Please choose the installation language (en/ru) [en]: en

PostgreSQL database setup

Make sure you've installed PostgreSQL and created the database: # CREATE USER hmdm WITH PASSWORD 'topsecret'; # CREATE DATABASE hmdm WITH OWNER=hmdm;

PostgreSQL host [localhost]: localhost PostgreSQL port [5432]: 5432 PostgreSQL database [hmdm]: hmdm PostgreSQL user [hmdm]: hmdm PostgreSQL password: topsecret

File storage setup

Please choose where the files uploaded to Headwind MDM will be stored If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created ##### FOR TOMCAT 9, USE SANDBOXED DIR: /var/lib/tomcat9/work #####

Headwind MDM directory [/opt/hmdm]: /opt/hmdm

Web application setup

Headwind MDM requires access from Internet Please assign a public domain name to this server

Protocol (http|https) [http]: http Domain name or public IP (e.g. Port (leave empty for default ports 80 or 443): 8080 Project path on server or ROOT [/hmdm]: /hmdm Tomcat virtual host [localhost]: localhost

Ready to install! Location on server: /opt/hmdm URL: Is this information correct [Y/n]? Y

Tomcat config file created: /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/Catalina/localhosthmdm.xml Deploying hmdm-3.30.1-os.war to Tomcat: /var/lib/tomcat8/webappshmdm.war ………………………. Deployment successful, initializing the database…

Headwind MDM has been installed! To continue, open in your web browser: Login: admin:admin

Entrato ho cambiato la password di admin in Eurolandia2012

Entrato nel telefono senza registrarsi a google o altro account. Aperto chrome e andato su

Scaricato l'apk Android application (launcher)

seguito istruzioni in

Come server Url ho dato

Quando ho finito ho cliccato du home (O) e mi ha chiesto se volevo confermare mdm come launche.

Dopo di che il pallino verde è apparso

  • projects/mdm.1607065935.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/12/04 08:12
  • by igor